P. 12

Unit 1: Concept of Library Classification

          2.   A classification system developed and used at the Library of Congress since 1887.  Notes
          3.   Classifications for retrieval arrange the phenomena of the natural world as an aid to
               systematic study.

          1.2 Need and Purpose of Library Classification

          Various types of documents hardly need any emphasis-Libraries as service institutions acquire
          documents for use. These acquisitions should systematically be arranged so as to meet the ever
          growing needs of readers precisely, exhaustively and expeditiously. If documents are arranged
          in library on the basis of factors other than subject matter, the arrangement will not be helpful
          in meeting the requirements of the majority of readers who usually approach a library for
          subject material. In other words, documents should be classified and arranged on the basis of
          their subject content.

          We are witness to the information revolution. Documents are published in various languages in
          various disciplines in diverse forms. Libraries have always been acquiring books and adding
          them to their collections. Therefore, the collection of an active library continues to grow year
          after year. Ranganathan compares active and effective libraries with growing organisms. In an
          unclassified library, when the collection grows steadily into thousands and lakhs of volumes, it
          would be difficult for the library staff to lay hands on a particular document required by a
          reader. To meet the subject approach of readers the collection must necessarily be classified by

          In libraries where the collection is arranged by accession number, or author or title, and not by
          subject, books on the same subject will be scattered throughout the collection. Even if the books
          are arranged alphabetically – by subject, the resultant sequence will not be helpful, as unrelated
          material will come together. See the following example:

                 Adult education

                 American history
                 Applied mechanics

                 Atomic energy
                 Australian history
          This type of sequence of subjects surely is far less useful and will fail to meet the requirements
          of readers. Alphabetical sequence leads to alphabetical scattering of logically related subjects;
          as shown in the above example. It is through systematic arrangement that a filiatory sequence or
          collection of closely related subjects can be achieved. For this we require a scheme of library
          classification. Here is an example of arranging documents on the basis of Dewey Decimal

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