P. 15

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes              Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control: Perform copy cataloguing of library materials
                                       using the OCLC database and its utilities (on-line cooperative cataloguing system) for a
                                       selected or wider range of library materials, such as monographs, serials, periodicals,
                                       on-line journals, music scores, electronic-based materials, media materials, and other
                                       print and non-print materials; may perform original or adaptive cataloguing of selected
                                       library materials using templates or available related cataloguing records; conduct
                                       bibliographic searches; update and maintain bibliographic records on the library’s systems;
                                       acquire bibliographic records from electronic resource vendors and provide access through
                                       campus on-line catalogue; and create authority control and cross reference records.
                                       Collection Development: Under the direction of a librarian, support collection development
                                       and management activities; assist subject librarians in identifying gaps in the library’s
                                       collections based on degrees, programs and curricula and in analysing collection use
                                       statistics; perform initial review of approval book shipments; and assist in the collection
                                       development budget process.
                                       Special Collections: Support subject librarians in a wide range of collection development
                                       and management activities for a special collection including such areas as acquisition,
                                       organizing, processing, collection retrieval, and basic patron information and reference
                                       support; physically maintain special collection; and work with librarians to develop and
                                       maintain physical, visual and Web-based displays related to the collection.

                                       Instruction: Participate in library orientation activities and provide support to librarians
                                       in library instruction and information literacy programs through such activities as
                                       conducting library tours; assisting in preparing and presenting instructional materials,
                                       such as hand outs and guides; and maintaining library information Web pages.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   State whether the following statements are true or false:
                                   7.  In ……………………Control, perform copy cataloguing of library materials using the
                                       OCLC database and its utilities for a selected or wider range of library materials.
                                   8.  In…………………, under the direction of a librarian support collection development and
                                       management activities.

                                   9.  In………………., receive and process periodicals and serials in all formats using library
                                       systems and prepare them for use are its important function.

                                   1.4 Types of Library Classification

                                   There are several different types of library classification schemes around, varying in scope,
                                   methodology and other characteristics. The division could be based on subject coverage, language,
                                   geography, use, or even the structure of the scheme. Actually, none of these categories are
                                   dichotomic; a classification scheme can fit into more than one category. In reality, the most
                                   frequently used types of classification schemes are:
                                   1.  Universal Schemes: The term ‘universal schemes’ is used for schemes that are globally
                                       accepted, multilingual and multidisciplinary in nature. UDC, DDC, LC, etc. are the
                                       commonly used Universal schemes.
                                            Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): Universal Decimal Classification is a
                                            bibliographic and library classification developed by the Belgian bibliographers
                                            Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine at the end of the 19th century. UDC provides a
                                            systematic arrangement of all branches of human knowledge organized as a coherent

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