P. 138

Unit 7: Library Classification Canons and Principles

               Explain the Work of Classification in Three Planes                               Notes
               Describe the Canons/Principles of Ranganathan
               Explain the Recent Developments in Classification

               Discuss the New Trends in Classification
               Describe the International Research Groups for Library Classification


          Each book in the library has a unique call number. A call number is like an address: it tells us
          where the book is located in the library. It is written from top to bottom, left to right. The
          purpose of this Unit is to enable the students to comprehend basic expressions. Even today,
          scientists during their research work find new plants, insects and micro-organisms. The first
          true faceted system was the Colon classification of S.R. Ranganathan. In the age of explosion of
          information science, the task of fulfilling the reader’s expectations totally depend upon the
          skilful librarian.

          7.1 Purpose of Library Classification

          In simple words classification is the grouping or categorization of things on the basis of similar
          characteristics. Just as in biological sciences Carolous Linnaeu and others classified animal and
          plant kingdom into class, order, phylum, family, genera and species and gave nomenclature to
          animal and plant species. They identify and classify them on the basis of some specific anatomical
          and morphological characteristics, bionomics, habits etc. and gave them scientific names. In the
          same manner library classification for documents is done. The basic purpose of library
          classifications is as follows:
          1.   Helpful Sequence: The basic purpose of any library classification is service oriented. Library
               should arrange the document in a method most convent to the users and to the library

             Notes  The document should be arrange in classes and based on the mutual relation between
            them. In other word related documents could be grouped in close proximately.

          2.   Correct Replacement: Document after being taken out from the shelves by the users or by
               the library staff should be replacing in their proper places. It is essential that library
               classification should enable the correct replacement of document after this happened
               return from use.
          3.   Mechanized Arrangement: It is decided that a particular arrangement is suitable for the
               library materials. Ordinarily it should not be changed by the help of new document with
               the help of allocating notation, classification enable us to mechanize the arrangement.
          4.   Addition of new Document: A library should acquire new document from time to time.
               Therefore library classification should help in finding the most helpful place among the
               existing collection of the library.

          5.   Withdraw the document from Stock: In case the need arise to withdraw a document from
               stock for some reason. Library classification should facilitate such a withdrawn.

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