P. 139

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          6.  Book Display: In wider sense the term book is display is use to indicate that the collection
                                       in open access library is well presented and guided. Library classification should be helpful
                                       in the organization of book display.

                                   7.  Other purpose:
                                            Compilation of bibliography, catalogue, union-catalogue and so on.
                                            Classification of information and reference queries.

                                            Filing of non-book materials such as correspondence, films and so on.
                                            Assist the cataloguer in determining subject heading.
                                   Self Assessment

                                   State whether the following statements are true or false:
                                   1.  Library should arrange the document in a method most convent to the users and to the
                                       library staff.
                                   2.  Word related documents could not be grouped in close proximately.

                                   7.2 Process of Classification

                                   Activities which are performed for classifying a book are as follows:
                                   1.  The very first phase in the book classification begins with identifying the particular subject
                                       of a book which is originated from the book title as well as sub-title. If the book title is
                                       very general then subject content of the book is identified either by going through the
                                       preface or the table of contents.
                                   2.  When the specific subject of a book is identified then specific number is allotted to the
                                       book of a particular scheme by consulting schedules. Therefore, class number is given to
                                       a specific book.
                                   3.  The classifier must allot subject headings once the book. According to different lists of
                                       subject headings, the subject headings can be allotted.

                                          Example: Ranganathan chain procedure, Library of Congress list of subject headings,
                                   PRECIS and so on.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   3.  The ………………….must allot subject headings once the book.

                                   4.  When the specific subject of a book is identified then specific number is allotted to the
                                       book of a particular scheme by………………….

                                   7.3 Types of Classification

                                   There are many standard systems of library classification in use, and many more have been
                                   proposed over the years. However in general, classification systems can be divided into three
                                   types depending on how they are used:

                                       Universal schemes covering all subjects. Examples include Dewey Decimal Classification,
                                       Universal Decimal Classification and Library of Congress Classification.

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