P. 143

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes              not run counter to other more important requirements. (See Principles for Helpfulness in
                                       Array below.)

                                   7.5.3 Canons for Chain

                                       Canon of Decreasing Extension: While moving down a chain from its first link to its last
                                       link, the intension of the classes should increase, and the extension of the classes should

                                       Canon of Modulation: A chain of classes should comprise one class of every order that lies
                                       between the orders of the first link and the last link of the chain.

                                   7.5.4 Canons for Filiatory Sequence

                                       Canon for Subordinate Clauses: All the subordinate classes of a class, in whatever chain
                                       they may occur, should immediately follow it, without being separated from it or among
                                       themselves, by any other class.

                                       Canon for Coordinate Classes: Among the classes in an array, no class with less affinity
                                       should come between two classes with greater affinity.

                                   7.5.5 Canons for Terminology

                                       Canon of Currency: Each of the terms used to denote the classes in a scheme of classification
                                       must be the one currently accepted by those specializing in the universe to which the
                                       scheme is applicable.
                                       Canon of Reticence: The terms used to denote the classes in a scheme of classification
                                       should not be critical.
                                       Canon of Enumeration: The denotation of each term in a scheme of classification should
                                       be decided in the light of the classes enumerated in the various chains (lower links) having
                                       the class denoted by the term as their common first link.

                                       Canon of Context: The denotation of each term in a scheme of classification should be
                                       decided in the light of the different classes of lower order (upper links) belonging to the
                                       same primary chain as the class denoted by the term.

                                       Canon of Relativity: The length of a class number in a scheme of classification should be
                                       proportional to the order of the intension of the class it represents.
                                       Canon of Expressiveness: A class number should be expressive of the relevant characteristics
                                       of the class represented by it.
                                       Canon of Mixed Notation: The notation of a scheme of classification should be mixed.

                                   7.5.6 Special Canons for Knowledge Classification

                                       Canon of Hospitality in Array: The construction of a class number should admit of an
                                       infinite number of new coordinate class numbers being added to an array without
                                       disturbing the existing class numbers in any way.

                                       Canon of Hospitality in Chain: The construction of a new class number should admit of
                                       infinity of new class numbers being added at the end of its chain without disturbing any
                                       of the existing class numbers in any way.

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