P. 146

Unit 7: Library Classification Canons and Principles

          2.   Internet: The knowledge of internet is the need of the time. Because Internet is the most  Notes
               important factor of today’s life. The future Librarian must be given the knowledge of this
               technique. That is why the internet is included into the syllabus of library and information
          3.   Use of Computer Cataloguing, Metadata, etc.: With the use of computer the old topics like
               classification, cataloguing is taught in a new fashion nowadays.
          4.   Inclusion of Information Technology in Syllabus: How does the information technology
               function? How to manage the information technology? The functioning of all these, must
               be made known to the common people. This is also included in the syllabus of Library and
               Information Science. Its main purpose is to motivate people to know about it.
          5.   Library Security: In order to make the Librarian cautious regarding the library security,
               they are to be made acquainted with the new techniques. These include magnetic security
               system, CCTV and RFID, etc.
          6.   Change in Management Science Studies: The recent trends in management studies, includes
               the use of laws and knowledge regarding the storage of information and its application.
          7.   Knowledge of Information Production and Sell: The librarian is expected to bear the skills
               related to the sale of knowledge production. He must be aware of the fact that, knowledge
               is never available without charge but some fee must be charged for it.
          8.   Librarian’s Training Classes: It is desired that the Librarian ought to be well equipped
               with communication skills for this, training classes for Librarian are arranged to make
               him adept in communication skills.
          9.   Introduction of New Material to the Librarian Fulfilling Reader’s Need: Different means
               for acquiring information such as internet, website is needed to be introduced to the
               librarians. The needs of the reader and the information they want can be fulfilled with
          10.  The education of Library and Information Science is imparted in the regional or local
               Language: By imparting education through regional or local languages the doors of
               education are kept open for everyone.

            1.   YCMO University, Nasik imparts education of library and information science in
            2.   In Gujarat University students are imparted education in ‘Gujarati’ Language.

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          11.  The knowledge of ………………….is the need of the time.

          12.  The librarian is expected to bear the skills related to sell of ………………….production.

          7.7 New Trends in Classification

          At present, the work of the Library is not confined only to the transaction of the books, but it has
          become the centre of information. Therefore, it has now become mandatory to follow the
          current trends in the syllabi. With the current trends, in the Library and Information Science, the

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