P. 149

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory


                                      Task  Name different levels of research promoted by DRTC.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:

                                   15.  Library Research Circle (LRC) was founded in Delhi by ………………….. in 1951.
                                   16.  …………………..was established in Bangalore in 1962 by S.R. Ranganathan.

                                     Case Study  Arguments against the Suitability of Library of
                                                 Congress Classification for Spanish Libraries

                                           he major library development in Spain started with the Second Republic, in 1931 as
                                           a part of the Republican government’s programme aimed to national raising literacy
                                     Tlevel of population in the then predominantly rural Spain. The role of the national
                                     library network planned at the time was to support literacy and education efforts and
                                     bring culture and knowledge to culturally and educationally deprived parts of the country.
                                     This period from 1931 to 1939 was known as the Silver Age of Spanish Culture. Universal
                                     Decimal Classification (UDC), being the most widely used classification in Europe at the
                                     time, backed by the universal bibliographic project, was implemented in Spanish libraries.
                                     This implementation was extended to the large library network created at the request of
                                     the Book Interchange and Acquisition Board. The outbreak of the Civil War, in 1936,
                                     brought the library development to a halt and the extensive library network created at the
                                     request of the Republican government was destroyed, collections classified by UDC at the
                                     time, were burnt, censored and plundered.
                                     At the end of the Civil War, in 1939, with the defeat of the Republican government and its
                                     departure into exile, General Franco’s new government made it officially compulsory to
                                     use the UDC to classify the collections in Spanish libraries. The new Government introduced
                                     in legislation this official implementation of the UDC and drafted the Order of 1939. The
                                     new Spanish government of 1939 was closely related to those of Germany and Italy at the
                                     time, and the new implementation of the UDC was expected to have great impact in the
                                     Spain-Germany-Italy axis. The Order of 29 July, whereby the decimal bibliographical
                                     system was implemented in the classification of the collections of the State Public Libraries,
                                     established the compulsory use of UDC in state-owned libraries, not only in terms of
                                     collection arrangement but also in the organization of catalogues. Instead of the
                                     international edition of the UDC in French (Classification Décimale Universelle, (FID
                                     151), Brussels: IIB, 1927-1933), valid at that time, the edition adopted in Spain was the
                                     German further extended, international full edition.
                                     The implementation of the UDC was completed with the decree of 1939, which reinstated
                                     a library practice that had been fully in force during the previous decade. This
                                     implementation was also accompanied by serious purging in libraries: a large number of
                                     libraries created by the Republican government were closed and the purging and censorship
                                     of the books in existing libraries was imposed. Simultaneous with the official
                                     implementation of the UDC, the abovementioned Republican Interchange Board was
                                     reinstated in 1939, via the order of 13 December. The Book and Journal Interchange and

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