P. 154

Unit 7: Library Classification Canons and Principles

          Colon Classification: Colon classification (CC) is a system of library classification developed  Notes
          by S. R. Ranganathan and was the first ever faceted (or analytico-synthetic) classification.
          Computer: A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a finite
          set of arithmetic or logical operations.
          Document: A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information or evidence
          or that serves as an official record.
          Enumerative Classification: Subject headings are listed alphabetically, with numbers assigned
          to each heading in alphabetical order.

          Faceted or Analytico-synthetic Classification: Subjects are divided into mutually exclusive
          orthogonal facets.
          Hierarchical Classification: Subjects are divided hierarchically, from most general to most
          Internet: A means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via
          dedicated routers and servers.
          Principles: A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of
          belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning.

          Sequence: A particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other.

          7.11 Review Questions

          1.   Discuss the basic purpose of library classifications.
          2.   Describe the Process of Classification.
          3.   Explain the various types of classification systems.

          4.   “Ranganathan suggested that information is created in three steps.” Elucidate.
          5.   What are the Canons for Filiatory Sequence?
          6.   Highlight the Canons for Chain.

          7.   What is the Principle of Increasing Artificiality?
          8.   Throw some light on the recent developments in library classification.
          9.   Do you think that the work of the Library is not confined only to the transaction of the
               books, but it has become the centre of information? If yes, give reason.
          10.  Discuss any two International Research Groups for Library Classification.

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   True                             2.   False
          3.   Classifier                       4.   Consulting Schedules
          5.   False                            6.   True

          7.   Ideas                             8.  Coding
          9.   True                              10.  True
          11.  Internet                         12.  Knowledge

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