P. 153

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                                     for international information exchange and access and it is not surprising that it lacks
                                     many of the qualities needed to fulfil this role. Because of the long history and nature of its
                                     development, being primarily created for shelf arrangement, it is easy to dispute LCC
                                     suitability for use as an effective subject access system, It is worth commenting that many
                                     faults in its structure from the point of view of logic and indexing functionalities and
                                     concept synthesis causes problems even for the Library of Congress. Every time a complex
                                     subject combination appears in the collection it cannot be classified by combination of
                                     existing subjects and a new subject has to be introduced in the schedules. Hence, LCC,
                                     which contains several hundreds of thousands of classes, requires constant insertion of
                                     new classes and is constantly growing while its power in indexing remains significantly
                                     weaker when compared to systems based on more modern synthetic principles.

                                     Critically analyse the above case?
                                   7.9 Summary

                                       Classification is the grouping or categorization of things on the basis of similar
                                       There are many standard systems of library classification in use, and many more have
                                       been proposed over the years.

                                       Ranganathan suggested that information is created in three steps (each in a separate location
                                       or plane).

                                       An initial idea occurs in someone’s mind (the idea plane); then it is described or discussed
                                       in words (the verbal plane); and finally it is written down (the notation plane).

                                       Change is the dominant factor of human life.
                                       The Library and Information Science is no exception to this. Therefore, it is necessary to
                                       include new trends in the syllabi.

                                       Now-a-day’s library is not only confined to the transaction of books but it has become a
                                       centre of information.

                                       New Information production and sell should get a due reference in the syllabi to achieve
                                       this goal; the training courses of this sort are run.

                                       With the current trends, in the Library and Information Science, the knowledge of computer
                                       science has got immense importance ultimately resulting in the need of the use of Internet.

                                       During the past five decades, not only individuals but many organisations, societies and
                                       research groups have taken up the cause of library classification.

                                   7.10 Keywords

                                   Array: An array is a collective name given to a group of similar quantities.

                                   Canons: A general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.
                                   Classification: The action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or

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