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Unit 7: Library Classification Canons and Principles

          The work entitled Depth Classification, published by the Indian Library Association, 1953,  Notes
          provides ample testimony to the contributions made by members of LRC. Its activities withered
          away from 1954.

          7.8.2 Fl/DCR

          On the initiative of Ranganathan, FID formed a Committee on Classification Theory (FID/CA)
          in 1950. Later in 1961, FID/CA was renamed as the Committee on Classification Research (Fill/
          CR). This Committee has been stimulating classification research. The activities of FID/CR are
          communicated through a serial publication entitled FID/CR Newsletter, published four times a
          year listing classification research projects in progress. FID/CR has so far organised six
          international conferences. The present chairman of FID/CR is Dr. I. C. Mcllwaine.

          7.8.3 Classification Research Group (CRG)

          This Group was formed in London in 1952. The early work of members of CRG is reflected in
          Sayer’s Memorial Volume (London, Library Association, 1961). CRG as a whole published a
          brief outline of its views on faceted classification in 1953 and later issued a memorandum
          entitled ‘The need for faceted classification as the basis of all methods of information retrieval’
          in 1955. From 1952 to 1960 members of CRG turned their attention to the design of special
          schemes of library classification. CRG was of the opinion that no general classification existed
          which was suitable for computer retrieval. Therefore it was decided to develop a general
          classification scheme in association with the MARC Project for an automated retrieval system.
          Since the 1970s, CRG has been actively engaged in the following areas: (1) Revision of
          Bibliographic Classification of I LE. Bliss, by 3. Mills; (2) Formulation of Broad System of Ordering
          (BSO); (3) Classification Scheme on LIS; and (4) PRECIS.
          7.8.4 Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC)

          DRTC was established in Bangalore in 1962 by S.R. Ranganathan. It actively promoted different
          levels of research in library classification. These are: (1) Development research to develop depth
          schedules; (2) Fundamental research to develop postulates and principles; and (3) Systematic
          testing of depth schedules developed by faculty and alumni of DRTC. It has been organising
          annual seminars on thrust areas of Library Classification and Information Science, conducting
          short term courses and workshops. It is bringing out, in collaboration with Sarada Ranganathan
          Endowment for Library Science a quarterly journal “Library Science with Slant to Documentation
          and Information Studies” (1964).

          7.8.5 International Society for Knowledge Organisation (ISKO)

          This society was founded at Frankfurt, Germany, in 1989. Its founder - president is Dr. Ingetraut
          Dahlberg. The principal aim of this society is “to promote research, development and application
          of all methods for organisation of knowledge in general and in particular fields, by integrating
          especially the conceptual approaches of classification research and artificial intelligence. The
          society stresses philosophical, psychological and systematic approaches for conceptual objects”.
          The society provides for personal contact and opportunities to the worldwide community of
          colleagues who devote themselves to the creation, expansion, revision and application of tools
          for the organisation of knowledge according to the conceptual point of view. The society has
          already organised four international ISKO conferences. The summary of these conferences’
          deliberations. The society is also bringing out a quarterly journal entitled “Knowledge
          Organisation”, formerly known as International Classification. This is devoted to concept theory,
          classification, indexing and knowledge representation.

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