P. 147

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          knowledge of computer science has got immense importance ultimately resulting in the need of
                                   the use of Internet. Nowadays, classification and cataloguing have got immense importance.
                                   The changes in the syllabi have made it necessary to maintain better co-ordination between
                                   Information Technology and Management Science. New Information production and sell should
                                   get a due reference in the syllabi to achieve this goal; the training courses of this sort are run.
                                   As a part of this, a demand of imparting education in Library and Information Science is coming
                                   forward. The education of this sort is also imparted by distance mode. Besides this, it is found
                                   that the utility and security of Libraries is steadily increasing by means of the programmes like
                                   continuous education, seminars, conferences and mass Literacy programmes, etc.
                                   On the basis of various surveys, various trends can be identifies in the field of library classification:
                                   1.  The SC was used in the public libraries of UK, but now they have begun the use of DDC,
                                       because it is up to date.
                                   2.  The use of SC in Britain is becoming less and in place of it use of DDC is continuously

                                   3.  Efforts are being made in the direction of centralized classification service. The MARC
                                       project of LC and BNB has been active in the field of library classification.
                                   4.  The use of LC and DDC is increasing day by day.

                                   5.  It is felt that at present no classification scheme is suitable to classify the computerized
                                       stored information. But being revised, the LC and DDC will be in existence in future. The
                                       use of UDC is also possible in special libraries.
                                   6.  The use of LC in the libraries of colleges and universities in USA is increasing. But DDC is
                                       being used more than LC in the three types of libraries.

                                   7.  The trend of using UDC is also increasing day by day.
                                   8.  The use of UDC is increasing in the special libraries of most of the countries. Its use is
                                       increasing more in information and documentation centres also.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   State whether the following statements are true or false:

                                   13.  The work of the Library is only confined to the transaction of the books.
                                   14.  Efforts are being made in the direction of centralized classification service.

                                   7.8 International Research Groups for Library Classification

                                   During the past five decades, not only individuals but many organisations, societies and research
                                   groups have taken up the cause of library classification. They have carried on various research
                                   activities to give a new direction to library classification and to transform it into an effective
                                   tool not only for shelf arrangement but also knowledge organisation. The activities of these
                                   institutions are briefly presented in the following subsections.

                                   7.8.1 Library Research Circle (LRC)

                                   This was founded in Delhi by S.R. Ranganathan in 1951. This circle used to meet on Sundays at
                                   Ranganathan’s residence to pursue research on various aspects of classification, especially relating
                                   to Colon Classification. Its members concentrated on fundamental categories, indicator digits,
                                   rounds and levels of manifestation, zone analysis and on requirements for depth classification.

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