P. 40

Unit 2: Theory of Subjects

                 Example: Under Physics (fissioned primary basic subject), we have fundamentals,
          properties of matter, sound, heat, radiation, electronics, electricity and magnetism (all secondary
          basic subjects).

          Under Geophysics (fused primary basic subject), we have subjects like volcanology, seismology
          oceanology, etc. (all secondary basic subjects). We may recognize two varieties of secondary
          basic subjects as below:
          (a)  Secondary basic subjects of Order 2.
          (b)  Compound secondary basic subjects.

          2.4.8 Secondary Basic Subjects of Order 2

          We have already seen that secondary basic subjects of ‘Order 1’ can be formed by the fission of
          a primary basic subject. It is possible to achieve secondary basic subjects of ‘Order 2’ by dividing
          ‘Order 1’ further, by means of fission, if required.

                 Example: Atmospherology belongs to Order 1 and meteorology, agronomy, ionosphere
          studies to Order 2.

          2.4.9 Compound Secondary Basic Subjects

          Attachment of speciator (that is, lamination of Kind 2) to a secondary basic subject leads to
          compound secondary basic subjects: The following varieties of compound secondary basic subjects
          are possible:

          (a)  Specials compound secondary basic subjects,
          (b)  Environmental compound secondary basic subjects,
          (c)  Systems secondary compound basic subjects.

                 Example: Physics, properties of matter and low temperature environment (here, physics
          is a primary basic subject, properties of matter is a secondary basic subject derived by fission
          from physics and low temperature environment is a speciator). Economics, consumption-capitalist
          system (here economics is a basic subject, consumption is a secondary basic subject and capitalist
          system is a speciator).

          2.4.10 Compound Basic Subject by Lamination (Kind 2)

          In order to achieve divisions of a primary basic subject, one can use a specific-explicit characteristic,
          “The ideas derived on the basis of a characteristic are used to qualify or speciate the totality of
          the subjects going with the primary basic subject concerned. Here, each of the ideas derived on
          the basis of a characteristic is called a speciator. The attachment of a speciator to the primary
          basic subject to be qualified is called compounding or lamination of Kind 2.” This leads to
          primary basic subjects or compound basic subjects. A variety of compound basic subjects
          recognized on the basis of variety of the speciators used in lamination are as follows:
          (a)  Specials compound basic subjects.
          (b)  Environmental compound basic subjects.

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