P. 42

Unit 2: Theory of Subjects

          Self Assessment                                                                       Notes

          Fill in the blanks:
          11.  Primary basic subject is a classification of subjects that covers several fields mentioned in
               the …………………..
          12.  Mode of formation of the first set of primary basic subjects is by ……………………..

          13.  The idea of “management” can take place in a diversity of ……………………….. along
               with different primary basic subjects.
          14.  …………………………………. can be a basic subject, that is the first component in
               representing a subject.

          2.5 Compound and Complex Subjects

          In this section of the unit you will get an insight on the compound and complex subjects.

          2.5.1 Compound Subject

          The term ‘Compound Subject’ denotes a subject with a Basic Facet – this is compulsory – and one
          or more Isolate Facets added after it. For example, “Cure of inflammation of eyes in a human-
          being”. This is a Compound Subject going with the Basic Facet Medicine. This Basic Facet is
          represented in the name of the Compound Subject by the term ‘in a human-being’.

          In the Indian Theory of Classification, Personality, Matter, Energy, Space, and Time are postulated
          to be the Five Fundamental Categories, of one, and only one of which, an Isolate Facet in a
          Compound Subject is deemed to be a manifestation. For example in the Compound Subject
          mentioned in the preceding section:
               The isolate “Eyes” is deemed to be a manifestation to the Fundamental Category

               The isolate “Inflammation” is deemed to be a manifestation of the Fundamental Category
               “Matter (Property)”;

               The isolate “Cure” is deemed to be a manifestation of the Fundamental Category “Energy”.
          2.5.2 Complex Subjects

          A subject in which two or more basic subjects or compound subjects or basic subjects and
          compound subjects are brought into relation is called a Complex Subject. The following are
          some examples:

               “Calculus for Electrical Engineers”. Here, the subject of exposition is “Calculus”. The
               subject “Electrical Engineering” biases the exposition. It is called the ‘Biasing Phase’.
               “Calculus” is Phase 1 and “Electrical Engineering” is Phase 2. The relation is called ‘Bias
               Phase Relation’.
               “Mathematical Study of Investment”. Here, “Investment” is Phase 1. “Mathematics” is
               Phase 2. It is called the ‘Tool Phase’. The relation is called ‘Tool Phase Relation’. This
               concept was abandoned for some time. It is now found necessary to revive it.
               “Buddhistic influence on early Christian Rituals”. Here, “Christian Rituals” is Phase 1.
               “Buddhism” is Phase 2. It is called the ‘Influencing Phase’. The relation is called ‘Influencing
               Phase Relation’. Apart from stating here that a Scheme for Classification should have
               provision for the representation of Complex Subjects, these subjects do not call for any
               further remarks in this paper.

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