P. 41

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          (c)  Systems compound basic subjects.
                                   (d)  Multiple compound basic subjects.

                                   2.4.11 Specials Compound Basic Subjects Notes

                                   “The core entity of study in the subjects going with a particular primary basic subject may be
                                   restricted or qualified using speciators derived on the basis of relevant characteristics specific to
                                   the subjects concerned, not amounting to any of the anteriorising isolates or any other isolate.”
                                   This is how specials compound basic subjects come up.

                                          Example: Medicine-child; Medicine-adolescent; and Medicine-old age are examples of
                                   specials compound basic subject.
                                   Medicine is a primary basic subject. The core entity of the study of the subjects going with
                                   medicine consists of the human body and its organs. The study of the core entity (that is the
                                   human body and its organs) can be restricted or qualified by the use of speciator derived by
                                   means of relevant characteristics such as “by age,” “by sex” and so on. Thus, the speciators
                                   derived on the basis of “relevant” characteristics can be attached to the primary basic subjects for
                                   qualifying the totality of the studies falling within it is purview, leading thereby to the specials
                                   compound basic subjects. Before deriving speciators take care of the basic characteristics like
                                   subjects or topics.

                                   2.4.12 Multiple Compound Basic Subject

                                   “The studies in subjects going with a primary basic subject can be qualified or restricted using
                                   successively speciators derived on the basis of two or more of the variety of characteristics
                                   mentioned in the preceding sections—that is specials characteristic, environment characteristic,
                                   and systems characteristic.” The speciators can be attached in the prescribed sequence to the
                                   concerned primary basic subject, and, thus, obtaining multiple compound primary basic subjects
                                   or multiple compound basic subjects.

                                     Did u know?  Ayurvedic system originated from India. Unani system is originated from
                                     Unan (Egypt).

                                   2.4.13 Agglomerate Basic Subject

                                   “An agglomerate of Kind 1(earlier called partial comprehension) consists of subjects treated
                                   integrally or disjunctively in one and the same document. Agglomerate results from a process
                                   of agglomeration—that is collecting together of entities into larger masses without cohesion
                                   among the components. Agglomerate can be a basic subject—that is the first component in
                                   representing a subject.” The scope of an agglomerate basic subject has to be understood only
                                   with reference to the scheme concerned. Ordinarily, an agglomerate of Kind 1 covers subjects
                                   going with the successive primary basic subjects of a scheme.

                                          Example: Natural science, Mathematical sciences, Physical sciences, Social sciences,
                                   History and Political science.
                                   “Agglomerate of kind 2 is an agglomerate comprehending subjects going with non-consecutive
                                   primary basic subjects with respect to the schedules of a particular scheme for classification.”

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