P. 70

Unit 4: Colon Classification and Dewey Decimal Classification

          1.   Parentheses ( }                                                                  Notes
          2.   Indo-Arabic numerals, 1–9
          3.   Indicator digits

          4.   Roman alphabet—both capitals and lower case, A to Z and a to z
               In this section, some of the changes are highlighted:

               (a)  The number of Main Subjects/Basic Subjects has been increased in edition 7. This has
                    been done in several ways:
                    (i)  Some old Main Subjects and some new Main Subjects have been divided into
                         canonical divisions, e.g., 3 Book Science, 9 Research Technique.
                    (ii)  In some subjects, [1PI] isolates have been treated as canonical divisions, e.g.,
                         Engineering, Technology, Geography and Economics.
                    (iii)  In “X Economics”, some of the [E] isolates have been changed into canonical
                    (iv)  A new kind of formation of subjects – agglomeration (Subject Bundles) – has
                         been added as Canonical Division.
                    (v)  Systems have been changed into Basic Subjects.

                    (vi)  Specials have been changed into Basic Subjects.
                    (vii) Environmental Device has been provided to indicate environment treatment
                         of a Basic Subject, as a kind of specials.
                    (viii) Compound Basic Subjects – using the System part, Specials part, and Canonical
                         Division part as its components.
               (b)  The indicator Digit “ (double inverted comma) is used to indicate an “Anteriorising
                    Isolate”, instead of Roman small letters as was done in edition 6.

               (c)  Edition 7 includes Common Fundamental Category Isolates – for [E], [MIT and [P].
               (d)  New indicator digit “&” (ampersand) is used in place of old indicator digit “0”
                    (zero) for Phase Relation.
               (e)  Change of some [E] isolates into [MP] isolates, e.g., B23 Theory of Equation, C7
                    Magnetism, J Agriculture, IX Forestry, KX Animal Husbandry, etc. (All [E] Isolates).
               (f)  Change of [E] cum [2P] isolates into MP Isolates, e.g., 2 Library Science, C3 Sound, G
                    Biology, L Medicine, P Linguistics, Y Sociology, etc.
               (g)  Change of [2E] isolates into [1E] Isolates, e.g., J Agriculture.
               (h)  Breaking of [2E] cum [3P] Isolates into [E] Isolates and [2P] Isolates (Currently [P]
                    isolates are treated as spectators).
               (i)  Change of Facet Structure – a facet formula is in a sense meaningless; it is an
               (j)  Indicator Digit “,” (comma) should be inserted before Level 1 of [P] facet in any
                    Round in any subject.

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