P. 75

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          The second summary contains the hundred divisions. The second digit in each three-digit number
                                   indicates the division. For example, 600 are used for general works on technology, 610 for
                                   medicine and health, 620 for engineering, and 630 for agriculture.
                                   The third summary contains the thousand sections. The third digit in each three-digit number
                                   indicates the section. Thus, 610 are used for general works on medicine and health, 611 for
                                   human anatomy, 612 for human physiology, 613 for personal health and safety.

                                   Arabic numerals are used to represent each class in the DDC. A decimal point follows the third
                                   digit in a class number, after which division by ten continues to the specific degree of classification
                                   needed. A subject may appear in more than one discipline.

                                          Example: “Clothing” has aspects that fall under several disciplines. The psychological
                                   influence of clothing belongs in 155.95 as part of the discipline of psychology; customs associated
                                   with clothing belong in 391 as part of the discipline of customs; and clothing in the sense of
                                   fashion design belongs in 746.92 as part of the discipline of the arts.

                                   4.6.2 Hierarchy

                                   Hierarchy in the DDC is expressed through structure and notation. Structural hierarchy means
                                   that all topics (aside from the ten main classes) are part of all the broader topics above them. Any
                                   note regarding the nature of a class holds true for all the subordinate classes, including logically
                                   subordinate topics classed at coordinate numbers.
                                   Notational hierarchy is expressed by length of notation. Numbers at any given level are usually
                                   subordinate to a class whose notation is one digit shorter; coordinate with a class whose notation
                                   has the same number of significant digits; and superordinate to a class with numbers one or
                                   more digits longer. The underlined digits in the following example demonstrate this notational

                                       600 Technology
                                       630 Agriculture and related technologies
                                       636 Animal husbandry

                                       636.7 Dogs
                                       636.8 Cats
                                   “Dogs” and “Cats” are more specific than (i.e., are subordinate to) “Animal husbandry”; they
                                   are equally specific as (i.e., are coordinate with) each other; and “Animal husbandry” is less
                                   specific than (i.e., is superordinate to) “Dogs” and “Cats”. Sometimes, other devices must be
                                   used to express the hierarchy when it is not possible or desirable to do so through the notation.
                                   Special headings, notes, and entries indicate relationships among topics that violate notational

                                   4.6.3 Arrangement of the DDC

                                   The print version of the latest full edition of the DDC, Edition 22, is composed of the following
                                   major parts in four volumes:

          70                                LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80