P. 139
Information Sources and Services
Notes Documents delivered are, to a large extent, articles originally published in scientific or
technical journals. In these cases documents carry alpha-numerical information, occasionally
combined with photographs, graphics and other visual data.
Typically, document delivery services are provided through a wide variety of technical
means and media. Even though the days of xeroxing and mailing on demand are far from
over, electronic storage (“electro-copying”) and transmission are undoubtedly the technical
means of the future.
Companies in service industry such as banking, financial services and IT have also started
realizing significant advantages in sourcing good and services from multiple suppliers
while benefiting through improved pricing and enhanced services.
A proactive organization should integrate supplier performance scorecards with real-
time data to measure and identify key supplier related events, which could impact business
operations and revenue.
Online means the state of being in direct and immediate communication with the computer
on which the database is loaded from a remote terminal.
It is an interactive system i.e. it allows the user to input instruction, receive responses and
then modify or manipulate the retrieved results.
Journal publishers have also begun to offer similar situation, for example Elsevier, for
electronic version of their journals. Large R&D libraries can take advantage of these
developments and provide desktop access to key database and electronic publications to
their users.
6.8 Keywords
Bibliographic and Cataloguing Services: This service can also be prepared from different databases
available on the Web.
Bulletin Board Services: A bulletin board is a public discussion area where people can post
message without sending them to anyone's e-mail address that can be viewed by anyone who
enters the area.
Current Awareness Services: It an essential function of management to make the members of its
organization aware promptly of such new information which will most likely contributes to
performing their individual task with the highest possible degree of competence.
Document Delivery by Processing Copies from Suppliers: This is a common method of obtaining
documents demanded by the user if they are not held by the library, or by the libraries covered
by ILL arrangement.
Document Delivery from Library Collection: This involves providing a document requested by
the user by picking it up from the library itself, if it is available.
Document Delivery Services (DDS): Document delivery services (DDS) is concerned with the
supply of document to the user on demand either in original or its photocopies irrespective of
the location and form of original document.
Document Delivery through ILL: In this method, the library contacts another library, which has
the required document and obtains it through inter-library loan and delivers to the user who is
a bonafide member of the borrowing library.
E-mail: E-mail (electronic mail) is the exchange of computer-stored messages by
telecommunication. E-mail messages are usually encoded in ASCII text.