P. 123

Library Automation

                    Notes            Library of Kendriya Vidyalaya Pattom
                                     The Vidyalaya started functioning in the year 1964. Now it has 3400 students and 125 staff
                                     members studying and working in two shifts. The library has a collection of 21,645 books
                                     and more than 40 multimedia CDs as on 31/04/2008. It subscribes 65 periodicals and 06
                                     newspapers. There is one librarian for each shift and the library functions from 07 a.m. to
                                     06 p.m. Class libraries function for classes I to V, which cater 1500 students of primary
                                     section. The main library is open to students from classes VI to XII. In total, the library
                                     serves around 1900 students and 125 staff members of the Vidyalaya. The library provides
                                     a host of services, which include reference, circulation, current awareness, reader’s club,
                                     exhibitions and displays, competitions, information literacy programmes and online
                                     resources (Internet and CD-ROM searching).

                                     Automation of the Library at KV Pattom
                                     Better service to the users has been the main priority. During library periods, the students
                                     were not getting enough time to search issue or return of books. Since, the librarian is the
                                     single staff of the library, he/she couldn’t help students timely in finding required
                                     information and provide other services such as reference, current awareness, teaching of
                                     information skills, online search etc. Collection management was also a problem. The
                                     varied holdings in the library were to be properly classified, catalogued and shelved.
                                     Then only the users could find them easily. The accessioning of the materials had been
                                     taken a lot of time. Annual stock verification was a tiresome process since it needed
                                     closing the library and literally ending its operations. Incorporating new technologies to
                                     cope with the ever-changing needs of the users such as Online catalogues; automated
                                     circulation, serials control, networking and resource sharing tended the library to opt
                                     automation as the first step.

                                     Automation of the library will help us to set new targets.
                                     (i)  Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing: Automation helps to know the availability
                                          of a document in the library through its online catalogue. So, if more libraries
                                          become automated the search for a document became easier. The required document
                                          which is not present in one library can be loaned from other libraries controlled by
                                          interlibrary loan policies. The resources such as documents, services and staff can be
                                          shared in an automated environment more easily.

                                     (ii)  Network of Kendriya Vidyalaya Libraries (KVLNET): When the KV libraries of a
                                          cluster or region become automated they can be networked using LAN or WAN.
                                     (iii)  Link with National or Regional Library Networks: National library networks such
                                          as NISSAT, NICNET and regional networks such as DELNET, CALIBNET etc. can be
                                          linked with KVLNET. can act as a technology and resource partner.

                                     (iv)  Web Interface: The activation of WebOPAC will facilitate the search of library OPAC
                                          through Internet. The user can renew and reserve a book through online.
                                     Library automation is the process which needs proper planning, timely implementation
                                     and periodical evaluation. The librarian with the administrators has to set the priorities
                                     after analysing the current status and future requirements. Selection of the suitable
                                     integrated library management package according to the needs of the users and the
                                     library is important. Retrospective conversion, OPAC, circulation and serials control,
                                     etc. should be conducted with care. Staff training and user education are keys to the
                                     success of the process. Library automation invites pragmatic approach. Here, those
                                     institutions which freed their visions from the traditional shackles of financial insecurities
                                     and fears of making proper decisions can only set the pace of journey to excellence.

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