P. 152

Unit 8: Library Automation in Technical Processing

          global networking such as internet, cheap availability of technology and new media technologies  Notes
          made information more accessible. Today’s integrated library systems must not only provide
          modules which automate traditional library functions but also capable of connecting through
          the local systems into systems of other information or knowledge suppliers, databases and

          8.1 Electronic Resources

          The library profession recognized the potential of computers to make library resources more
          accessible early in the development of computer technology. Librarians were often enthusiastic
          and sometimes early adopters of technology. The use of electronic resources in libraries began
          with the development of the machine-readable cataloguing (MARC) format in the mid-1960, a
          full 30 years before the introduction of the World Wide Web and its subsequent ubiquity.
          Bibliographic databases became available at approximately the same time. Libraries provided
          access to data sets such as census and survey data as early as the 1970’s. During the microcomputer
          revolution of the 1980’s, libraries acquired software and data on diskettes and offered databases
          on CD-ROM. Databases on CD-ROM began to contain full text. Search interfaces became more
          straightforward and simpler to use. Online catalogues became more common, and libraries
          began to offer them through the pre-World Wide Web Internet. Tim Berners-Lee created the
          World Wide Web in 1990. The subsequent development of the Mosaic browser in 1992 led to
          widespread use of the Web beginning in 1993.

             Notes The graphical interface and the later development of Web search engines such as
            Yahoo! made resources on the Internet more accessible to average patrons.

          Web-based electronic resources were widely available beginning in the mid-1990’s. Libraries
          offered Web-based catalogues, bibliographic and full-text databases, electronic journals, and
          eventually electronic books through the Web. Patrons no longer had to go to the library to do a
          significant amount of their research. The pursuit of electronic resources by libraries was driven
          by the core values of library science. It is possible to recognize in Ranganathan’s five laws of
          library science the motivation that drove libraries to incorporate electronic resources into services
          and collections. Paraphrased to better suit electronic resources, the laws read: resources are for
          use, every person his or her resource, every resource its user, save the time of the user, and the
          library is a growing organism. Each technological development in library electronic resources
          during the 20th century was intended to make access to resources more direct, convenient, and
          timely for the user. The implementation of electronic resources made the library a growing
          organism as libraries adapted processes and reorganized staff repeatedly to accommodate the
          changes inherent in the use of constantly changing technology.

          8.1.1 Online Catalogues

          Electronic resources began to dramatically change the way patrons accessed library resources in
          the mid-1960s. The card catalogue, a standard fixture in libraries for a century, faced its demise.
          One of the major developments during the 1960’s was machine-readable cataloguing (MARC).
          The MARC format dramatically changed the way library resources were processed and accessed.
          The library professionals who created MARC recognized the need for automation and a
          supporting data standard at a critical juncture in the development of technology, and took the
          necessary steps and risks to develop one. The flexible and expandable MARC format
          demonstrated the foresight and vision of those who developed it over 40 years ago.

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