P. 156

Unit 8: Library Automation in Technical Processing

          The goal of the transition process is to have the library’s patrons and staff uses the automated  Notes
          system in the expected way. The transition process from a non-automated system (including
          non-barcoded books, due-date slips and complicated patron record-keeping procedures) to a
          fully automated system (all previous tasks are now computer-managed) is not a simple internal

             Caution For the public’s benefit, attention must be given to the timeliness and veracity of
             the transition process.

          There are three central elements to a successful transition: books, patrons and procedure.
          Hopefully, the books have been entered into the database, have a MARC record, and are barcoded,
          as covered earlier in Retrospective Conversion. The next step is to either convert patron files or
          10 create patron files. Finally, the public and staff must be acquainted with the new system so
          that the system will indeed work in the expected way.
          Once an approach has been chosen, movement towards the goal can be broken into three major

          lnstall Everything

               Physically prepare the site.
               Adapt the automated systems to the library’s policies.
               Load the library’s records into the system.

               Prepare systems and do preliminary testing. Evaluate actual performance. More formally,
               “benchmark” or do performance testing.

          Train Staff and Adapt Work Procedures

               Identify people to be trained.
               Identify the activities in the new system that will require special training.

               Establish the required methods of training.
               Prepare any training programs that are to be run internally.
               Arrange a schedule for the training programs.
               Conduct the training programs.
               Review the results of the training programs.

               Deal with any unforeseen consequences of automation on library staff procedures.
          Release Information to the Public and Establish New System

               Establish and publicly release a new system transition completion date.
               Acquaint public with new system, through one-on-one assistance, hand outs, press releases
               and/or class demonstrations.

               Load patron information and or register new patrons.

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