P. 176

Unit 9: Library Automation in Circulation Section

               The procedure of collecting overdue charges is either by issuing regular receipts or by  Notes
               keeping a conscience box for this purpose. The procedure depends on the library policy.
               Considering the cost and time involved in issuing receipts some libraries prefer the
               conscience box method. A conscience box is a method by which the defaulter puts the
               amount of overdue charge in a locked box with a slit on top. The total collection for the
               day is taken out and entered in the cash book of the library.
               All these control activities of recall, fines, etc., can be more complicated if multiple copies,
               multiple branches, multiple patrons, varied loan periods for different patron types, media
               types are involved. All these activities are dependent upon the library’s ability to send
               notices to users. The proper functioning of the notification process largely depends on
               accurately maintained user registration files, clearly defined policies of loan periods and
               fines and finally the response of the user to the notice itself.

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          8.   The main advantage of this system over the  ……………………  was that it  kept the
               circulation record together at the circulation counter instead of scattering throughout the
          9.   First, identification cards were used, which were later substituted by …………………… on
               which all book transactions were entered.
          10.  The application form may preferably be in a card form, so that the same is ……………………
               filed to serve as an alphabetical registration record.
          9.4 Basic Functions of Computerised Circulation Subsystem

          Computerised circulation subsystems generally perform a group of functions utilising three
          basic categories of information as a base. Apart from the issue and return provision, circulation
          module performs the following functions:
               To locate circulating:
                    Items on loan

                    Items reserved by user
                    Item at binding
                    Items being reprocessed
               To identify items on loan to a:
                    particular borrower
                    specific/category class of borrowers

               To record ‘personal reserves’ for items on loan but desired by another borrower and to
               issue alerting notice to the library staff on return of the reserved item by a borrower;
               To print recall notices for:
                    returning overdue items

                    renewing of items
               To arrange renewal of loan
               To notify to the library staff of overdue items and printing of overdue notices

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