P. 49

Library Automation

                    Notes          3.2 Basic Requirements for Library Automation Software Packages

                                   A library automation package or LMS should fulfil the expectations of library users, staff and
                                   authority in terms of delivery, installation, implementation, maintenance, data conversion,
                                   services, utilities, training and other essential requirements for an integrated library
                                   management system. Libraries would like to develop or purchase a LMS that provides the most
                                   forward-looking, flexible, extensible and cost efficient solution. The basic requirements for any
                                   modern library automation package to satisfy such expectations may be studied under two
                                   broad categories – general system requirements and functional requirements.

                                   3.2.1 General System Requirements

                                   These are applicable to all modules of any modern LMS and should include but not limited to
                                   the following features:
                                   1.  The LMS must be fully integrated, using a single, common catalogue database for all
                                       operations and a common operator interface across all modules.

                                   2.  The LMS should have capability of supporting multiple branches or independent libraries,
                                       with one central computer configuration sharing a common database.
                                   3.  The LMS must allow unlimited number of records, users and organization specific
                                       parameters (e.g. loan period rules, fine calculation criteria, hold parameters etc.).
                                   4.  The package should include following fully developed and operational facilities at multiple
                                       customer sites:
                                            Bibliographic and inventory control
                                            Authority control

                                            Public access catalogue
                                            Web catalogue interface
                                            Information gateway (telnet, www, z39.50, proxy server, external access, customised
                                            web portal)

                                            Acquisition management
                                            Serials control
                                            Electronic data interchange (EDI)
                                            Reservation and materials booking

                                            Circulation control
                                            Customised generation of reports and usage statistics
                                            One step administrative parameters setting

                                            Z39.50 server (minimum version 3 and path profile level complaint)
                                            Z39.50 OPAC and staff client
                                            Z39.50 copy cataloguing client
                                            Marc 21 bibliographic and authority record import/export utility
                                            Outreach services

                                            Digital media archive system

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