P. 53

Library Automation

                    Notes          9.  The LMS must be compliant with …………………… standard for multilingual support.
                                   10.  …………………… should provide browse indexes for author, title, and series and browse
                                       index combining all four indexes.

                                   3.3 Features of Library Automation Software Available in India

                                   The automation of library activities in India started in full swing with the introduction of CDS/
                                   ISIS. CDS/ISIS is a menu-driven generalised information storage and retrieval system designed
                                   by a team of experts under UNESCO/PGI programme. It is specifically meant for the structured
                                   non-numerical Introduction databases. In India, erstwhile NISSAT (ceased existence since 2004)
                                   with the help of other professional bodies organised a number of training courses on application
                                   of CDS/ISIS (DOS and Windows version) in information organisation activities. As a result, a
                                   large pool of trained manpower developed all over the country. Some organisations from the
                                   experience of use of CDS/ISIS, MINISIS etc. developed their own LMSs e.g. DESIDOC developed
                                   DLMS (Defence Library Management System), INSDOC (now NISCAIR) came with CATMAN
                                   (Catalogue Management) and SANJAY was developed by DESIDOC under NISSAT project by
                                   augmenting CDS/ISIS (Version 2.3) for library management activities.
                                   The LMSs presently available in India may be ranked in 2nd, 3rd and in between 3rd and 4th
                                   generations on the basis of their features. As far as the origin and application domain is concerned,
                                   the LMSs available in India may be grouped into three fundamental groups – LMSs of foreign
                                   origin, LMSs developed over LMSs or textual database management systems of foreign origin
                                   and LMSs of Indian origin. This grouping may again be sharpened by dividing the packages on
                                   the basis of size of library systems i.e. large library system, medium range library system and
                                   small range library system.

                                   3.3.1 Library Automation Packages of Foreign Origin

                                   This group includes library automation packages developed by foreign or multinational vendors
                                   and distributed in India either through approved agents or value-added resellers. The group
                                   covers four most popular packages of foreign origin, which are discussed below:
                                   1.  ALICE for Windows: This LMS developed by Softlink International, Australia, is a global
                                       software package and is marketed worldwide through a number of agencies based in
                                       America, Australia, Britain, Iceland, India, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore. This
                                       software is marketed under the name of Embla in Iceland, Alice elsewhere in Europe,
                                       OASIS in South East Asia and Australia, Annie in America and other parts of the world.
                                       Recently Softlink International decided to call the software Alice for Windows all over the
                                       world to maintain consistency in nomenclature. The main features of Alice are as follows:

                                            It has four distinct versions – Public library version, Special library version, Academic
                                            library version and School library version.
                                            The package is modular and modules are grouped into one of the three sets as
                                            mentioned below:
                                                 Standard Set: Includes Management; Reports and Utilities; Circulation; OPAC.
                                                 Advanced Set: In addition to standard set it includes Acquisition; Periodicals;
                                                 Journal Indexing; Multimedia; Web Inquiry.
                                                 Special Set: In addition to Standard and Advanced set, it includes Reservation;
                                                 Interlibrary loan; Patron self-checking; Rapid retrospective conversion;
                                                 Multilingual features; Self circulation; Union catalogue.

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