P. 57

Library Automation

                    Notes                   Ensures management of multiple libraries or branches across a library;
                                            Supports multilingual authority control, and networked multimedia database
                                            management and seamless access to multiple databases through Z39.50 client;

                                            Incorporates FRBR model in the design of bibliographic databases.

                                   3.3.2 Library Automation Packages Developed over Foreign Software

                                   This group includes the automation packages built on the top of either foreign automation
                                   packages or general text retrieval packages. The discussion covers three automation packages of
                                   which two are based on CDS/ISIS.
                                   1.  LAMP: Library Automation and Management Package (LAMP) is a freeware and available
                                       for downloading from Internet. The package, developed jointly by Netherlands Library
                                       Association, Pakistan Library Association and UNESCO, is based on CDS/ISIS (version
                                       3.07). This MS-DOS based package is well suited for small libraries like school and college
                                       libraries. The package contains five main modules with number of sub-modules and
                                       facilities under each sub-module. The features of LAMP are as follows:

                                            Supports creation of authority files for books and serials (supplier authority, name
                                            authority, subject authority etc.);

                                            Supports use of LCSH subject heading in subject authority file;
                                            Acquisition module supports all the major tasks related to books and serial acquisition
                                            by – creation of budget, purchase order authority file and purchase order data entry,
                                            generation of purchase order, receiving of books and serials, display of order status,
                                            reminders to suppliers, payment and reordering;

                                            Cataloguing supports data entry for monographs and serials, catalogue card
                                            generation, creation of bibliographies, binding and write off functions;

                                            Circulation involves the facilities like creation of member database, edit/updating
                                            of member database, issue and return of books and serials, renewal and reservation,
                                            checking of availability of documents, and outstanding documents, generation of
                                            statistics on issued items and library members.
                                       Supports lots of other utilities viz. generation of gate pass, shelf-card, accession registers,
                                       production of various statistical reports, global editing and replacement etc.
                                   2. is a state-of-art library automation Software based on TLMS
                                       (Total Library Management Service). TLMS is developed in Germany by TRANCE group.
                                       The route of development for this LMS is TLMS – > NGTLMS – > NG-
                              is designed by WebOPAC Applications Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata. It is SQL based client-
                                       server system, based on Microsoft’s .NET platform. It supports CCF, USMARC, Indian
                                       UNIMARC (as recommended by Central Secretariat Library, New Delhi) and Z39.50. NG-
                              includes following supports:
                                            Printing of accession register; AACR II catalogue card generation; article scan
                                            management; authority files creation; auto cataloguing from web sites; auto export
                                            and import; auto keyword generation; automatic barcode generation; letterhead
                                            creation; dropdown matching etc.
                                            Barcode based issue and return and serials control; auto status generation for progress
                                            of processing of documents; bulletin board facility; Kardex generation for serials
                                            control; complete intranet support; automatic claim generation for overdue and
                                            missing issues journal;

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