P. 58

Unit 3: Basic Knowledge of Library Software

                    RTF, dial-up networking, e-mail and printing of gate pass; ID card generation; arrival  Notes
                    list generation; multi-lingual support, web access of OPAC; power search facility;
                    fine calculation and receipt generation; reservation of books; retrospective data
                    conversion; SDI service; search refining; security enhancement; statistics and graphs;
                    stock verification;
                    UNIMARC input sheet generation; UNIMARC cataloguing; virtual library creation;
                    Z39.50 client and server; UNICODE support (all languages of the world are
                    Web centric architecture i.e. it requires only installation on server. Client uses browser
                    to access all information;
                    No restrictions on the number of records; acquisition module includes accounting
                    software and is optional; basic software covers all areas e.g. OPAC, cataloguing and
                    circulation; all Indian regional languages supported;
                    WebOPAC, Internet and Intranet via browser, union cataloguing supported in
                    distributed and replication environments, supports US MARC 21, UNIMARC, CCF
                    and Z39.50, and can be installed by relatively less experienced computer users.
          3.   WINSANJAY: This LMS has been originated from SANJAY, a package based on CDS/ISIS
               (Version 2.3). It was developed by DESIDOC under a NISSAT project to meet the
               requirements of library management activities. It includes a set of 35 Pascal programs and
               25 special menus. The features of WINSANJAY are as follows:
                    Windows based and more user friendly than WINISIS and CDS/ISIS for library
                    housekeeping operations. Suitable for medium range libraries;
                    Effective interlinking of databases (it is a great achievement because WINISIS or
                    CDS/ISIS does not support relational database design model). Interlinks book
                    databases, member databases, vendor databases and budget databases;
                    Maintenance module restricts the access right to a limited set of users and thereby
                    provides security measures. User module helps library staff to carryout daily routine
                    in circulation, acquisition and online catalogue.

          3.3.3 Library Automation Packages of Indian Origin

          This group includes packages designed and developed by Indian vendors and software agents.
          The features of the following automation packages are discussed here. Packages are selected for
          discussion on the basis of their customer base and popularity.

          1.   AUTOLIB: Autolib is fully integrated multi-user software on Windows Environment,
               designed to automate various activities of University Libraries, College Libraries, R&D
               Libraries, Public Libraries and Special Libraries. The software is developed by Auto Lib
               Software Systems, Chennai and the product range includes:
                    MS-Access with Visual Basic Version

                    MS-Access with Visual Basic & WEB Edition
                    MS-SQL server with Visual Basic Version
                    MS-SQL server with Visual Basic & WEB Edition

                    MS-SQL server with Visual Basic
               The LMS is module based system, designed and developed by a team of library and
               information specialists, system analysts, software professionals, network specialists and

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