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Library Automation

                    Notes              database designers. The features of Autolib may be listed as: General features: Module
                                       based, User Friendly, GUI Environment, Based on client server architecture, Uses Visual
                                       Basic 6.0 as front end and MS-SQL V.7.0 RDBMS as back end, Uses TSQL Query Language,
                                       Module level Security, Z39.50 Protocol Support, Export/Import of data in ISO 2709 format,
                                       Cataloguing of digital resources, Implementation of AACR, CCF, Dublin Core, TCP/IP
                                       and Dial-up Network support, Web based reports, Menu based operations, Incorporated
                                       Mandatory Fields of CCF, Powerful Search Facility/Query Builder, Printing various reports
                                       in several formats, Simple data entry, User ID and password protection, Online help/
                                       documentation, Continuous product up gradation, Customer support and maintenance.

                                     Did u know? Minimum hardware and software requirements: Server configuration –
                                     Pentium II/III 64 MB RAM/4.2 GB HD, 32x CD-Drive/1.44 FDD, Network accessories,
                                     SVGA Monitor, Windows NT Server 4.0 and SQL Server 7.0. Client Configuration – Pentium
                                     II with 32 MB RAM/4.2 GB HD Windows NT workstation/Windows 9x.
                                       The functional features of this LMS are as follows:

                                            Database Management – data entry/updating of database for user, author, publisher,
                                            supplier, member, book, journal issues and back volumes, article report, thesis,
                                            standard, non-book materials, budget, subject, department etc.;
                                            OPAC – powerful and versatile search facility, Simple search for beginners, Query
                                            builders for advanced users, query windows for complicated search, boolean search,
                                            field level search (single field/multiple fields, author/title/keyword/subject,
                                            accession no/classification, journal name/article name etc.);

                                            Circulation – transaction, issue, return, renewal of books, journals, back volumes,
                                            recall, reservation, cancellation, reminders, reports;

                                            Serials Control – subscription of new journals, renewal of journals, receipts of new
                                            issues, reminders for missing issues, invoice processing, payments, browsing issues,
                                            reports generation;

                                            Acquisition Control – duplicate checking, indent processing for new books, book
                                            ordering, reminders, receipts of books, invoice processing, payment, budget
                                            System Administration Module – user ID and encrypted password protection, module
                                            level security, budget management, stock verification, global updating, fixing due
                                            dates, overdue charges etc., holiday maintenance, reports, new additions, catalogue
                                            (main/author/title), accession register/bibliography, list of books by author/title/
                                            publisher/year, subject/call number (by any order), books by unique titles,
                                            frequently issued books, frequently accessed books, books issued/returned/reserved,
                                            receipt for fine amount/deposit/loss of book, etc., list of users/publishers/
                                            suppliers/departments, no-due certificates, stock verification report, budget details,
                                            orders, journal list, journal subscription/order report/missing issues;
                                            Article Indexing – allows to create journal article database, allows to create author
                                            index and keyword index, allows to search and retrieve journal articles, allows to
                                            create index and abstracts, allows to publish CAS bulletin, allows to generate contents
                                            Digital Library Module – allows to catalogue multimedia digital resources such as
                                            text, images, audio file, video clippings, etc. Allows to catalogue based on Dublin
                                            Core standard, Allows to handle various file formats such as .bmp, .jpeg, pdf, .doc,
                                            .avi, etc.

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