P. 122

Unit 6: Information Retrieval Model and Search Strategies


                        The sheer volume of information available on any given subject can appear
                        daunting and overwhelming.
            Since Library science syllabus is—based on research, which will be conducted online, whether using
            the Learning Centre catalogue (OPAC) to search for books or the online databases to search for and
            retrieve journal articles, it is essential that you give some thought prior to commencing a search as
            to precisely what information you are trying to retrieve. By developing effective search strategies,
            you will save yourself a lot of time. Otherwise, you may expend needless effort retrieving either too
            little information, or too much.

            Subject Matter

            Successful searching combines creative guessing of Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) along with
            smart use of subject directories and search engines. Here are three general strategies. Before using
            any of them, be sure to consider what organization might be a likely source for providing the necessary
              •  URL Guessing and Cutting
              •  Using Subject Directories
              •  Using Search Engines
            For a quick overview list of strategies to consider see the list below. It repeats some of what is is in
            the three above as well as in the online tutorials below.
            Determine likely organization with answer
            Guess organization’s URL before trying search engines
            Search for organization URL otherwise
            Use “phrase searching” and unique words as much as possible
            Use directories (Yahoo!, ODP, Look Smart) for broad, general topics
            Use multiple step approach – can be several clicks to an answer
            Folders to narrow large search sets: Teoma, WiseNut, Vivisimo, or NLResearch
            Try a title field search to focus results more by subject
            Use specialized search engines for news, Usenet postings, phone numbers, etc.
            In all of these, it is always important to know what’s Not Included.
            Basic Internet Searching class
            Advanced Internet Searching class

            Strategy to get Result

            A basic search strategy can help you get used to each search engine’s features and how they are
            expressed in the search query. Following are the steps will also ensure good results if your search is
            multifaceted and you want to get the most relevant results.
                  1. Identify the important concepts of your search.
                  2. Choose the keywords that describe these concepts.

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