P. 124

Unit 6: Information Retrieval Model and Search Strategies

                  6. Cycling... Look up references in books and articles, then look up their references, then  Notes
                    look up their references... You will learn two important things:
                     1. If your subject is narrow enough;
                     2. Everyone who writes on your subject with any frequency.

            Categories of sources used in doing research:
              •  General encyclopaedias
              •  Specialized encyclopaedias
              •  Library catalogue of books—OPAC
              •  Indexes of periodicals (print and electronic)
              •  Bibliographies and lists
              •  Bibliographies and Works Cited at ends of books/articles
              •  Online sources; the Internet

            Advantages of using a computer in doing research:
              •  Compact storage
              •  Cut and paste ability
              •  No need to re-copy and re-write materials
              •  Easy to correct errors, edit, and re-print
              •  Available for later efforts.

            Search Strategy Benefits

            Search by Strategy allows information specialists to model test and refine their search workflows at a
            high level of abstraction, with the help of a graphical tool. Any intermediate results can be inspected,
            keeping search transparent and the information specialist in control. Successful search strategies can
            be kept for future re-use, or deployed as an automatically generated search engine for end users,
            which runs on a relational database system.
            High-level domain-specific search tasks are expressed in terms of modular and customisable building
            blocks. The magic that yet enables a fully automatic processing of the resulting data flow is found in
            our specific take on mixing information retrieval theory and databases (with foundations in over
            two decades of scientific research). Thanks to the visual and intuitive tooling, the full power of our
            technology can be exploited by domain specialists - who we consider the search experts for their
            area of knowledge. Thanks to the fully automatic processing of search strategies, hidden from the
            end user, no specific technological expertise is required to make the most out of your data!

            Key features of the Search by Strategy Approach

              •  Interactively defining and executing search strategies
              •  Searching through multiple data sources at once
              •  Exploring and refining search results interactively by means of facetted browsing
              •  Display metadata by (fuzzy) facets of choice
              •  Providing understandable search results which improve your output

            Flexible Solutions
            Information professionals face complex business intelligence questions. Expressing just their market
            segment using the right natural language utterances yields already a sizeable and thus inherently

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