P. 127

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         jargon, polysemes (words that have different meanings when used in a legal context), and constant

                                             Techniques used to achieve these goals generally fall into three categories: Boolean
                                             retrieval, manual classification of legal text, and natural language processing of
                                             legal text.


                                 Application of standard information retrieval techniques to legal text can be more difficult than
                                 application in other subjects. One key problem is that the law rarely has an inherent taxonomy. Instead,
                                 the law is generally filled with open-ended terms, which may change over time. This can be especially
                                 true in common law countries, where each decided case can subtly change the meaning of a certain
                                 word or phrase.
                                 Legal information systems must also be programmed to deal with law-specific words and phrases.
                                 Though this is less problematic in the context of words which exist solely in law, legal texts also
                                 frequently use polysemes, words may have different meanings when used in a legal or common-
                                 speech manner, potentially both within the same document. The legal meanings may be dependent
                                 on the area of law in which it is applied. For example, in the context of European Union legislation,
                                 the term “worker” has four different meanings:
                                 Any worker as defined in Article 3(a) of Directive 89/391/EEC who habitually uses display screen
                                 equipment as a significant part of his normal work.
                                 Any person employed by an employer, including trainees and apprentices but excluding domestic
                                 Any person carrying out an occupation on board a vessel, including trainees and apprentices, but
                                 excluding port pilots and shore personnel carrying out work on board a vessel at the quayside;
                                 Any person, who, in the Member State concerned, is protected as an employee under national
                                 employment law and in accordance with national practice;
                                 In addition, it also has the common meaning:
                                 A person who works at a specific occupation.
                                 Though the terms may be similar, correct information retrieval must differentiate between the
                                 intended use and irrelevant uses in order to return the correct results.
                                 Even if a system overcomes the language problems inherent in law, it must still determine the
                                 relevancy of each result. In the context of judicial decisions, this requires determining the precedential
                                 value of the case. Case decisions from senior or superior courts may be more relevant than those
                                 from lower courts, even where the lower court’s decision contains more discussion of the relevant
                                 The opposite may be true, however, if the senior court has only a minor discussion of the topic (for
                                 example, if it is a secondary consideration in the case). A information retrieval system must also be
                                 aware of the authority of the jurisdiction. A case from a binding authority is most likely of more
                                 value than one from a non-binding authority.
                                 Additionally, the intentions of the user may determine which cases they find valuable. For instance,
                                 where a legal professional is attempting to argue a specific interpretation of law, he might find a
                                 minor court’s decision which supports his position more valuable than a senior courts position
                                 which does not. He may also value similar positions from different areas of law, different jurisdictions,
                                 or dissenting opinions.
                                 Overcoming these problems can be made more difficult because of the large number of cases
                                 available. The number of legal cases available via electronic means is constantly increasing (in 2003,

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