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Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         through greater information provision. The recent surge of mobile phone usage in developing
                                 countries has provided an opportunity for innovative projects to leverage this new distribution
                                 channel to get critical market data into the hands of farmers and traders.
                                 Several projects by Reuter, Nokia, Esoko/TradeNet, KACE, Manobi AgRisk and others have
                                 demonstrated the impact that such information can have. Studies in Niger and India demonstrate
                                 the impact of cell phones in reducing price variations and creating equilibrium among markets.
                                 Introduction of internet kiosks and cafes that provide wholesale price information to farmers has
                                 been shown to enhance the functioning of rural markets by increasing the competitiveness of local
                                 traders in India.

                                 Marketing of Information Services and Libraries Objectives

                                 The main objectives of the libraries today are to obtain self-sufficiency in their resources and to provide
                                 an optimum level of services to reach more potential users and encourage the use of library resources.
                                 This naturally requires a “shift from product or service orientation to customer or need orientation”.
                                 Different marketing concepts provide libraries with the tools for collecting and analyzing useful
                                 data about information needs of customers, which assists in designing, developing and delivering
                                 appropriate services, argues that “needs assessment is central to any program of product
                                 development and essential to establish the targets for any marketing process”. Irrespective of the
                                 type of the library, the need to develop customer-cantered and strategic market planning has now
                                 become part of effective library management.
                                 University libraries invest a huge amount on collection development, processing and storage of
                                 information resources. These resources, which are so expensive, often remain unutilized resulting
                                 in wastage of money, time, energy and space. The libraries can solve their problem of underutilization
                                 of resources and services by applying marketing principles. In university libraries application of
                                 marketing principles implies: first, the library should identify its objectives; second, identify its
                                 target users and their particular needs; and third, develop products and services aimed at these
                                 In this way university library becomes a market-oriented organization in which all operations
                                 including acquisition, storage and service are focused on the needs of users and which embrace not
                                 only the satisfaction of demand but also creation, awakening and increasing the existing demand.
                                 So identifying the users’ needs is the prime responsibility of the university library. One of the best
                                 methods to assess the users’ needs is to conduct users’ surveys as “surveys can provide information
                                 for choosing between optimal designs of the same service and information about how to customize
                                 the delivery and promotion of your services”.

                                 Increased Interest in Market Information Services

                                 Recent years have seen an increased interest in market information services (MIS). Efficient market
                                 information provision can be shown to have positive benefits for farmers, traders and policy-makers.
                                 Up-to-date market information enables farmers to negotiate with traders. Well-analysed historical
                                 information helps farmers make decisions about new crops to grow and helps traders make decisions
                                 about the viability of inter seasonal storage.

                                             Market information can also be used by planners to help monitor food availability
                                             and to identify shortages.
                                 Market information enables farmers to make informed decisions about what to grow, when to harvest,
                                 to which markets produce should be sent and whether or not to store products. Recent ICT
                                 developments in developing countries, such as the expansion in the use of cell phones, have opened

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