P. 162

Jovita Kaur, Lovely Professional University   Unit 9: Cataloguing and Subject Indexing: Principles and Practices

                       Unit 9: Cataloguing and Subject Indexing:

                                        Principles and Practices



                 9.1  Cataloguing
                 9.2  Subject Indexing

                 9.3  Principles of Subject Cataloguing
                 9.4  Subject Headings

                 9.5  Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH)
                 9.6  Headings and Sears List of Subject Headings

                 9.7  Summary

                 9.8  Keywords
                 9.9  Review Questions

                9.10  Further Readings


            After studying this unit, you will be able to:
             •  Define cataloguing
             •  Describe subject indexing and subject headings.
             •  Explain library of congress subject headings (LCSH)
             •  Describe headings and sears list of subject heading.


            A catalogue is an ordered list of bibliographical records (document representations or document
            surrogates) that represent the documents in a particular collection of documents. All records are
            supposed to represent a document in the collection and every physical document in the collection is
            supposed to be represented by a catalogue record (whereas articles, for example, is mostly not
            represented in catalogues). Catalogues enable users to identify, verify, locate and retrieve books
            and other physical units from the collection.

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