P. 161

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes            •  Marketing feedback is important for any organization. Changing customer needs, evolving
                                      technology trends, increasing competition necessitate the need to process market feedback
                                      and communicate to other departments of the organization.
                                    •  There is a wide variety of market information systems or services. OECD countries have tra-
                                      ditionally emphasised the importance of information provision for the agricultural sector, a
                                      notable example being the service provided by USDA.

                                 8.6   Keywords

                                 Information of Marketing  : Is measurable communication aimed at increasing knowledge and
                                                             creating competence within the target groups.
                                 Marketing Intelligence System : Determines the intelligence needed, collects it by searching the
                                                             environment, and delivers it to marketing managers who need

                                 8.7 Review Questions

                                  1.   Describe the marketing intelligence system?
                                  2.   How marketing feed back is important for an organisation.
                                  3.   What are the main objectives of the libraries?

                                 Answers: Self Assessment

                                  1.   business publications   2. marketing managers     3. weaknesses, strengths
                                  4.    purchase, inventory    5. (a) Marketing information system
                                  6.   (b) FAO

                                 8.8 Further Readings

                                                Atherton, P. Handbook of information systems and services. Paris: UNESCO, 1977.
                                                Saracevic, T and Wood JS: Consolidation of information: A Handbook of evaluation,
                                                Restructuring and Repackaging of Scientific and technical Information, Paris: UNESCO,
                                                Information Analysis, Repackaging, Consolidation and Information Retrieval by P S G
                                                Kumar, Publisher: Br Publishing Corporation (2004).

                                    Online links

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