P. 38

Unit 2: Information Consolidation

            Sponsor: JRD;. Tata Memorial Library (1995)                                              Notes
            Members: 100 Libraries
            Title: Madras Library Network
            Sponsor: INSDOC & NISSAT (1993)
            Members: 15 Libraries
            Activity: Two important databases, a directory database of current serials in Madras and a contents
            database covering articles published in 300 journals available in Madras libraries.
            During the recent period quite a large number of libraries and information centers are forming
            networks. The advent of computer networking as an accepted part of the library and information
            infrastructure has had a very significant impact on the way in which library and information systems
            are perceived.

                    India is thus on the threshold to a new era of computer communication networks both
                    for general purposes and for library and information purposes.

            Self Assessment

            Multiple Choice Questions:
             1.   ...... is a group of libraries coming together with some arrangement of understanding to help
                  each other with a view to satisfy the information needs.
                  (a)  Recover systems          (b) File system consolidation(c) Library network.
             2.   A large-scale network, involving offices in different cities and countries referred to as ......
                  (a)  WAN                      (b) LAN                 (c) MAN
             3.   ...... can be within a building or a campus.
                  (a)  WAN                      (b) LAN                 (c) MAN
             4.   Library networks have been divided into ...... categories.
                  (a)  two                      (b) three               (c) four

            2.6 Information Consolidation Development and Methodology
            2.6.1 Development

            An Information Strategy ought to play an integral part in the University Strategic Plan, since
            information in its many forms lies at the heart of teaching, learning, research and administration. In
            the last few years there has been an explosion in the supply and demand of information in many
            media and a corresponding decrease in the resources available to acquire and manage it. An efficient
            Information Strategy will permit the University to close this gap and make the best use of its resources.
            An Information Strategy involves, instead, a close examination of the way information is discovered,
            collected, processed and disseminated. In developing this strategy it is necessary to recognise that
            the University is not an ‘island’ and needs to exchange information and collaborate to greater extent
            than ever before with outside bodies, including funding agencies and other HE institutions. The

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