P. 39

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         success of this undertaking will depend on the participation of staff and students at all levels within
                                 the institution.

                                 2.6.2 Main Features

                                 The Information Strategy will take its starting point from the University’s mission statement and
                                 Strategic Plan. In this way, the Information Strategy will be an important factor in delivering the
                                 highest quality education experience to students and in securing the best research and teaching
                                 environments for staff.
                                 Information Culture: The whole University community will have a wide understand more clearly
                                 the issues involved in the creation and discovery, processing and analysis, and retention and disposal
                                 of information.
                                 Information Services: Existing information services will have a wide converge to make more effective
                                 use of the expertise within the Academic Services Planning Unit.
                                 Information-Access: An information-access focus will be developed for the Library in addition to
                                 its highly regarded information-holding one. Its goal will be to continue to provide a gateway to
                                 teaching, learning and research resources for staff and students, whether they are on campus, at
                                 associated colleges or at home.
                                 Teaching and Learning:  Student-centred learning will be facilitated, thereby enabling the University
                                 to cater for a more diverse range of learning and learner. Structures to develop Distance and Mixed-
                                 Mode Education will be supported.
                                 Effective use of current information systems - Emphasis will be placed on learning to use information
                                 more effectively, rather than installing increasingly complex systems.
                                 Bureaucracy: Greater efficiency and less frustration will result from reduced paper work, while
                                 information for exercises such as TQA and RAE will be much easier to gather.
                                 Open standards and Guidelines - Open standards and guidelines for data exchange will be used,
                                 ensuring that everyone has access to tools for handling the information that they receive in whatever
                                 Authentication and Encryption: Increasingly, information in the University must have guaranteed
                                 security, confidentiality and immutability. This will require authentication and encryption
                                 technology to be widely deployed.
                                 Migration Path: The strategy will provide a clear migration path to the digital order, drawing on
                                 the experience already gained from the prototype systems which allow on-line access to Science
                                 Faculty and now the Senate papers.

                                 2.6.3 Major Benefits of an Information Strategy

                                 Adopting and implementing an Information Strategy has the potential to produce tangible benefits
                                 for the Higher Education Community as a whole.
                                 Improved Access Paths to Information: All types of information (academic and administrative)
                                 will be created and stored in a way that makes access easy and facilitates its exchange between
                                 individuals. This applies to text, graphics, video, sound and any other forms, and will benefit the
                                 entire University community.
                                 Enhance Present Methods: The new information order will be driven by teaching, learning and
                                 research enhancement, not by cost reductions which are unlikely to materialise.
                                 Elimination of Unnecessary Duplication: Information should not be duplicated. Each person should
                                 be able to create or modify his/her own unique information, with appropriate safeguards.

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