P. 41

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         2.6.4 Further Development and Information

                                 The University started to develop an Information Strategy recently as part of a Joint Information
                                 Systems Committee (JISC) pilot site project, advised by Coopers & Lybrand.
                                 A series of reports to JISC have been produced, following guidelines supplied by them and a
                                 conference on the projects has been held in London. Our work will help JISC produce better guidelines
                                 for the rest of the HE sector. A final report will be submitted to JISC at the end of July and the
                                 University’s Information Strategy will be formally launched in the autumn. This will be refined and
                                 implemented incrementally over a number of years. It is understood that the Dearing Committee
                                 will recommend that all HEIs formally develop Information Strategies.
                                 This paper is a brief overview of the draft Information Strategy Statement being developed for
                                 approval by the Management Group on 14 July. This will detail the roles and responsibilities of the
                                 committees and individuals involved and how the Information Strategy fits into the overall
                                 University Strategic Plan as well as its main implications. Further details will be made available to
                                 the whole University community as they are produced.

                                           Make a study report on General network in India.

                                 Self Assessment

                                 Fill in the blanks:
                                  5.   The strategy will provide a clear ...... to the digital order.
                                  6.   ...... kinds of principal information services are there.

                                 2.7   Summary

                                    •  George Elias Muller is widely credited as one of the creators of the consolidation theory while
                                      he was teaching at the University of Gottingen in Germany.
                                    •  A library network is broadly described as a group of libraries coming together with some
                                      agreement of understanding to help each other with a view to satisfying the information
                                      needs of their clientele.
                                    •  Library networks have been divided into two categories: general network and specialized
                                      network. The latter can further be divided into metropolitan network and countrywide net-
                                    •  An Information Strategy ought to play an integral part in the University Strategic Plan, since
                                      information in its many forms lies at the heart of teaching, learning, research and administra-
                                    •  An Information Strategy will only be realised if changing needs of Information Custodians
                                      and Users are clearly identified, particularly those that flow from changes in the curriculum
                                      and the devolved management structure.

                                 2.8   Keywords

                                 Information Consolidation : George Elias Muller is one of the creators of the consolidation theory
                                 Information Strategy    : Ought to play an integral part in the university strategic plan.

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