P. 39
Academic Library System
Notes the structural change in library and information services, the amount of complexity driven by
mixed economy, personalization of library and information services, competition and/or collaboration
with network giants like Google etc.; all these constantly demand new skills and competencies
over the traditional ones.
Characteristics of Emerging Library and Information Environment
Modern library and information environment is characterized by electronic communication,
both synchronous and asynchronous, web - based information sources, multimedia information,
and is uncontrolled largely as a result of the Internet facilitating information creation, distribution
and access. Accordingly, typical user expectations of the present day include – everything in
full text and downloadable or printable; faster service; uninterrupted service availability, virtual
reference service librarian available online, easy access; easy-to-use web resources permitting
self-service; a librarian who knows all subjects and all databases; everything should be in
electronic or digital format; several options/alternatives to choose from; a library web site that
is capable to conduct all library transactions online viz., library registration, document delivery
request, loans and renewals, etc.; and a web search engine to find required information.
Dynamics of Library and Information Profession
The next few decades will continue to be ones of transition and role redefinition for the LIPs.
Even as they grow and make an effort to stay current in the rapidly changing technology
environment, they will always be faced with the challenge of simultaneous learning, implementation
and planning. The LIPs can no longer afford to remain institutionalized passive spectators,
instead they have to find new ways to add value and remain relevant in this rapidly changing
confusing and competitive environment. All the activities will now have to be tailored to give
long distance and often home delivered information, which is the demand of time. Major
sources of challenges faced by the LIPs in the present environment are the rapid development
in ICTs, changing economy, changing education and learning environment, changes in scholarly
The biggest challenge for Indian librarianship is to bring about attitudinal change among the
library staff. Libraries and librarians are still the lowest priority in the decision making process
and the librarians are the least visible persons. If this main challenge is confronted by librarians
and libraries in real earnest it is only then that one can expect all the necessary changes within
the system itself. But a serious prerequisite to overcome this challenge is to upgrade the
competence and skills of the library and information professionals, since it is imperative to
become deserving before asking for something. Ingraining these competencies will motivate
the LIPs to serve their customers in a better manner thus helping them to contribute towards
reaching organizational goal. A major road block in this task often confronted by LIPs is the
resistance to change.
4.3 Planning Tool—MBO
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a process in which a manager and an employee agree
upon a set of specific performance goals, or objectives, and jointly develop a plan for reaching
them. The objectives must be clear and achievable, and the plan must include a time frame
and evaluation criteria. For example, a salesperson might set a goal of increasing customer
orders by 15 percent in dollar terms over the course of a year.
MBO is primarily used as a tool for strategic planning, employee motivation, and performance
enhancement. It is intended to improve communication between employees and management,