P. 12

Unit 1: Library Automation


              Task  Planning of library automation being a important tool in library. Why there is a need
                    for developing strategic plan?

            1.4  Implementation

            After the system selection process is complete, there are several important steps which must occur.
            You and your vendor will have to negotiate and sign a contract. You will want to test the system
            and make sure it suits your needs. You will want to make provisions for system maintenance.
            Finally, you will want to train both your staff and your users as much as possible to prepare them
            for when the system is up and running.

              Notes  In thinking of automation planning, there is often a tendency to focus on the hardware
                    and software aspects of planning, and to ignore the human aspects of automation
                    training and public relations.
            To assure the success of your hard planning work, a training and public relations plan should be
            part of any automation project. Fortunately, training can begin long before the system is installed.
            By involving staff at all levels in the analysis of operations, the identification of needs, the setting
            of priorities,  the development of specifications, and the evaluation of systems, staff will gain
            much of the knowledge they need as the planning progresses.
            For new automated system user acceptance and enthusiasm is certainly an important ingredient in
            a successful  planning effort. If you are implementing a public access catalog, it is probably the
            most important measure of success.
            Public relations can allow you to accomplish three things:
                  make users aware of your new system and services;
                  motivate them to use the system; and,
                  train them in using the new system and services effectively.

              Task Why training and public relation should be a part of automation project?

            Self Assessment
            Fill in the blanks:
               1. Library automation is divided into .................... levels.
               2. .................... is an important contributing factor in the success of the goal.
               3. .................... is an enterprise resource planning system for a library used to track items
                  owned, orders made, bills, paid, and patrons who have borrowed.

            1.5 Library Acquisitions
            The term acquisition commonly denotes procurement of library materials which are published on
            nonrecurring basis including books, technical reports, government publications and audiovisual
            A library acquisition is the department of a library which responsible for the selection and purchase
            of materials or resources for the library. Acquisitions may select vendors, negotiate consortium
            pricing, arrange for standing orders, and/or select individual titles or resources (depending on the
            size of the library or system).
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