P. 8

Unit 1: Library Automation

            The users of library card catalogue will appreciate how fast the retrieval is, search and printing in  Notes
            automated environment. If the same system is available in network environment, users can have
            simultaneous access to the same database. From the library staff point of view the cumbersome job
            of printing the cards and their subsequent filing gets eliminated. Also, it conserves space and saves
            The second level automation will be to use software which can handle all the housekeeping
            operations of the library such as acquisition, circulation and serial control thus creating a network
            within the library or becoming part of the existing network of the institution. Networking of
            computers within an organization helps the users to browse the cataloguing system from any of
            the workstation/terminal.
            A very handy technology available for library is the CD-ROM products which can be considered
            at the third level. The development of CD-ROM collection not only conserves space but also
            provides multi-user access in network environment. There are many self-tutorial CD-ROMS
            available with multi-media effect. Libraries facing high incidence of mutilation of materials will
            benefit from such electronic products. Also people doing empirical research can download data
            and directly take it to other software platform for analysis and making graphical presentation.
            Other technology which libraries can make use of is the e-mail system. This not only reduces the
            recurring expenditure but also be effective and fast. Sending reminders for non-receipt of journals
            by e-mail has proved to be very cost-effective. In addition to this, sharing of resources among
            libraries become easy. Few public domain e-mail software are available and there will be no
            additional expenditure incurred.
            Another technology which has revolutionized the information world is the development of internet.
            Subscribers of internet, in addition to getting access to various public domain databases and
            services, will also get free e-mail and fax facility. Some publishers have started giving content
            pages of journals and libraries having subscription to such journals can also have full text of the
            articles. Many academic and research institutes have given free access to their working papers.

            Barriers of library automation

            Following could be the few possible barriers of library automation:
                  Fear of adverse impact on employment.
                  Apprehension that the technology could be too expensive.
                  The library staff has to undergo extensive training.
                  Lack of support from the management, may be owing to budget constraints.
                  Fifth reason could be retrospective conversion of data.

              Task Write down the barriers of library Automation.

            1.2  Automation of Housekeeping Operations

            Acquisitions, technical processing, serials control, circulation and reference services all entail time
            consuming manual work in traditional libraries. Though these activities are essential to proper
            functioning of a library, they consume professional staff time that might otherwise go towards
            user services and library development. Library computerization is now gaining importance
            necessitating the establishment of profession-wide standards. Comprehensive studies of library
            computer systems world over include discussions of machine-managed acquisitions, cataloguing,
            serials control, circulation and bibliographic service modules. The literature in this area highlights
            major aspects of computer’s role in the library environment. Similar to several aspects of library
            management, the demand for more and faster information services and the decline in library
            resources are compelling librarians to appreciate the role of computers within their operations. In
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