P. 13

Information Technology and Application

                     Notes         1.5.1  Purpose of Library Acquisition

                                    The purpose of acquisition is to manage and control the expenditure of funds for materials that
                                   meet the collection development criteria of the library and the needs of its clientele. This means
                                   that acquisition process must be accurate, efficient and responsive to the demands of library

                                   1.5.2  Objectives of Library Acquisition

                                   The main objective of automated acquisition system is as follow.
                                      1. To reduce labour and paper incentive work involved in manual acquisition.
                                      2. To maintain up to date information or record of all activities involved in acquisition.
                                      3. To have effective and efficient control over ordering, claiming and cancellation functions.
                                      4. To provide accurate and timely financial information.
                                      5. To provide necessary management information reports, whenever they are required.
                                   Through this module library staff can search the entire database of library holdings for the purpose
                                   of duplicate checking etc.  Using various combinations, number of reports could be generated.

                                   1.5.3  Functions of Library Acquisition

                                        Ordering, claiming, receiving, preservation and payment of all library materials.
                                        Ordering process, library materials, order form.
                                        Monitoring, coordinating, implementing and evaluating all collection  related activities.
                                        Serials check-in, control, organization and self preparation.
                                        Providing management and financial reports/statistics.
                                        Selecting and evaluating sources of supply.
                                        Organizing gift and exchange activities.
                                        Providing current awareness services.

                                     Task Write down the functions of library acquisitions.

                                   1.6  Library Catalogue

                                                        Figure 1.1: View of the SML card catalogue

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