P. 159

Information Technology and Application

                     Notes         14.1  Web Portal
                                   A web portal or links page is a web site that functions as a point of access to information on the
                                   World Wide Web. A portal presents information from diverse sources in a unified way.
                                   Apart from the standard search engine feature, web portals offer other services such as e-mail,
                                   news, stock prices, information, databases and entertainment. Portals provide a way for enterprises
                                   to provide a consistent look and feel with access control and procedures for multiple applications
                                   and databases, which otherwise would have been different entities altogether.
                                   Examples of public web portals are AOL, Excite, iGoogle, MSN, Netvibes, and Yahoo!.

                                   14.1.1  Type of portals

                                   Horizontal vs. vertical portal (Vortals)

                                   Two broad categorizations of portals are horizontal portals, which cover many areas, and vertical
                                   portals, which are focused on one functional area. Another definition for a horizontal portal is that
                                   it is used as a platform to several companies in the same economic sector or to the same type of
                                   manufacturers or distributors. A vertical portal consequently is a specialized entry point to a specific
                                   market or industry niche, subject area, or interest, also called vortal.

                                   Vertical information portal
                                   A vertical information portal (VIP) is a specialized entry point to a specific marketplace and or
                                   industry niche. VIP’s provide news, editorial content, digital publications, and e-commerce capabilities.
                                   Separate from traditional vertical portals, VIP’s provide dynamic multimedia applications including
                                   social networking, video posting, and blogging.

                                     Task State your own views how vertical information portal differ from horizontal portal.

                                   Personal portals
                                   A personal portal is a site on the World Wide Web that typically provides personalized capabilities
                                   to its visitors, providing a pathway to other content. It is designed to use distributed applications,
                                   different numbers and types of middleware and hardware to provide services from a number of
                                   different sources. In addition, business portals are designed for sharing and collaboration in
                                   workplaces. A further business-driven requirement of portals is that the content be able to work on
                                   multiple platforms such as personal computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and cell phones /
                                   mobile phones. Information, news, and updates are examples of content that would be delivered
                                   through such a portal. Personal portals can be related to any specific topic such as providing friend
                                   information on a social network or providing links to outside content that may help others beyond
                                   your reach of services. Portals are not limited to simply providing links. Information or content that
                                   you are putting on the internet may create a portal in the sense of a path to new knowledge and/or

                                   News Portals

                                   The traditional media rooms all around the world are fast adapting to the new age technologies. This
                                   marks the beginning of news portals by media houses across the globe. This new media channels
                                   give them the opportunity to reach the viewers in a shorter span of time than their print media
                                   counter parts.

                                   Government Web Portals
                                   At the end of the dot-com boom in the 1990s, many governments had already committed to
                                   creating portal sites for their citizens. These included primary portals to the Governments as well as
                                   portals developed for specific audiences. Examples of Government web portals include;
                               for Australia.

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