P. 163

Information Technology and Application

                     Notes         Some electronic journals are online-only journals; some are online versions of printed journals,
                                   and some consist of the online equivalent of a printed journal, but with additional online-only
                                   (sometimes video and interactive media) material.
                                   Most commercial journals are subscription-based, or allow pay-per-view access many universities
                                   subscribe in bulk to packages of electronic journals, so as to provide access to them to their students
                                   and faculty. It is generally also possible for individuals to purchase an annual subscription to a
                                   journal, via the original publisher.
                                   An increasing number of journals are now available as online open access journals, requiring no
                                   subscription and offering free full-text articles and reviews to all. Individual articles from electronic
                                   journals will also be found online for free in an ad hoc manner: in working paper archives; on
                                   personal homepages; and in the collections held in institutional repositories and subject repositories.
                                   Some commercial journals do find ways to offer free materials. They may offer their initial issue or
                                   issues free, and then charge thereafter. Some give away their book reviews section for free. Others
                                   offer the first few pages of each article for free.

                                   14.4  Mailing List

                                   A mailing list is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to
                                   send material to multiple recipients. The term is often extended to include the people subscribed to
                                   such a list, so the group of subscribers is referred to as “the mailing list”, or simply “the list”.

                                   14.4.1 Types of Mailing Lists

                                   At least two types of mailing lists can be defined: an announcement list is closer to the original sense,
                                   where a “mailing list” of people was used as a recipient for newsletters, periodicals or advertising.
                                   Traditionally this was done through the postal system , but with the rise of email, the electronic
                                   mailing list became popular. The second type allows members to post their own items which are
                                   broadcast to all of the other mailing list members. This second category is usually known as a
                                   discussion list.

                                   Announcement List

                                   Announcement lists are an easy and cost-effective means of communicating with a large number
                                   of people. Also known as one-way lists, announcement lists facilitate communication from
                                   authorized senders (usually one or a few editors) to the entire list. List members receive messages
                                   but do not interact directly with one another. Announcement lists provide a valuable solution for
                                   distributing newsletters, product announcements, new alerts, press releases and promotional
                                   offers to a large number of recipients.


                                              EDITOR             EMAIL LIST
                                                                                      ANNOUNCEMENT LIST
                                   When administering announcement lists, it is important to use full-featured email list management
                                   software. The software should provide double opt-in functionality and an easy-to-use interface for
                                   people to automatically subscribe, unsubscribe and change their email addresses or subscription
                                   settings. Naturally, the software should also automatically handle bounces or delivery errors,
                                   maintain message archives and keep the lists secure. Support for HTML and multi-part messages
                                   is also important for creating professional newsletter.

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