P. 165

Information Technology and Application

                     Notes         Advantages of Discussion Lists

                                   Discussion lists are ideal for promoting interaction, exchanging expertise, obtaining feedback and
                                   fostering collaboration among geographically dispersed work team members.
                                      1. Discussion Lists Facilitate Information and Expertise Sharing: From experts to everyday
                                         people, members of a discussion group can easily come together to discuss a topic of shared
                                         interest, exchanging information and expertise.
                                      2. Discussion Lists Build Communities: A sense of community is developed when people
                                         discuss topics of shared importance. Online communities provide a vital link to many people
                                         who may lack in-person support and understanding regarding a specific issue or challenge.
                                      3. Discussion Lists Help Manage Information Flow: Organizations can use discussion lists to
                                         quickly distribute and discuss announcements across various departments for day-to-day or
                                         crisis communication.
                                      4. Discussion Lists Create Business Support Forums: Companies can create moderated or
                                         non-moderated discussion forums about their products and services, serving as a cost-
                                         effective means to provide customer support and to enhance customer relationships.
                                      5. Discussion Lists Form Collaborative Work Groups: Discussion lists allow employees to
                                         collaborate on special projects, committees and task forces, making them more active
                                         participants. Discussion lists also allow telecommuters and other geographically dispersed
                                         colleagues to easily work together, creating virtual teams.

                                     Task Define how electronic mailing differ from traditional one.

                                   14.4.2 Listwashing
                                   Listwashing is the process through which individual entries in mailing lists are removed. These
                                   mailing lists typically contain email addresses or phone numbers of those that have not voluntarily
                                   subscribed. An entry is removed from the list after a complaint is received.
                                   Only complainers are removed via this process. It is widely believed that only a small fraction of
                                   those inconvenienced with unsolicited email end up sending a proper complaint. Because most of
                                   those that have not voluntarily subscribed stay on the list, and only the complainers stop complaining
                                   because they are removed, this helps spammers to maintain a “complaint-free” list of spammable
                                   email addresses.

                                     Notes  Internet service providers who forward complaints to the spamming party are often
                                           seen as assisting the spammer in list washing, or, in short, helping spammers.

                                   List of Academic Databases and Search Engines
                                   This page contains a representative list of major databases and search engines useful in an academic
                                   setting for finding and accessing articles in academic journals, or in repositories, archives, or other
                                   collections of scientific and other articles. As the distinction between a database and a search engine
                                   is unclear for these complex document retrieval systems, see:
                                        the general list of search engines for all-purpose search engines that can be used for aca-
                                         demic purposes
                                        bibliographic databases for information about databases giving bibliographic informa-
                                         tion about finding books and journal articles.

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