P. 54

Unit 4: Database

                  abstracts                                                                        Notes
                  full text
                  indexing terms or keywords or phrases
                  citations including the total number of references
                  language of the document
                  call number or location
            Each of these items is known as a data element and is represented by a field. There are different
            bibliographic record formats and there is considerable variation between them. It may be mentioned
            here that the components listed above do not generally (except in case of those containing abstracts)
            give information of the text of the document but only indicate where the information might be
            found. Of course, a good informative abstract, if provided for each reference may furnish valuable
            information to the user and enhance the utility of the database.

            Database Architechture

            The architecture of a database is commonly viewed in terms of three separate levels of description:
            conceptual, external and internal.
            The overall logical description of the entire database is the conceptual level. This overall description
            is commonly known as a schema. It may also be called a community user view. Subsets of the
            schema that contain only the data needed for particular applications may be defined. These are
            called sub-schemas or user views. The sub-schemas provide a description at the external level. The
            description of physical storage structures used to store database on a specific computer system is
            the internal description.
            Explained in simple language, it might be stated that a database can be analysed from two view-
            points—the physical storage of the data and the logical or conceptual view of data. Files are used
            to physically store data in a database. Most databases use either direct files or indexed files or a
            combination of the two to physically store data on a disk.
            The logical or conceptual view of a database is concerned with how data is logically organised and
            how data can be retrieved for information purposes. There are three different methods (architectures)
            of logically organising data in a database. They are hierarchy model, network model and relational

            Advantages of Database Systems
            The Database Systems provide the following advantages over the traditional file system
               1. Controlled redundancy: In a traditional file system, each application program has its own
                  data, which causes duplication of common data items in more than one file. This duplica-
                  tion/redundancy requires multiple updations for a single transaction and wastes a lot of
                  storage space. We cannot eliminate all redundancy due to technical reasons. But in a data-
                  base, this duplication can be carefully controlled, that means the database system is aware
                  of the redundancy and it assumes the responsibility for propagating updates.
               2. Data consistency: The problem of updating multiple files in traditional file system leads to
                  inaccurate data as different files may contain different information of the same data item at
                  a given point of time. This causes incorrect or contradictory information to its users. In
                  database systems, this problem of inconsistent data is automatically solved by controlling
                  the redundancy.
               3. Program data independence: The traditional file systems are generally data dependent, which
                  implies that the data organization and access strategies are dictated by the needs of the
                  specific application and the application programs are developed accordingly- However,
                  the database systems provide an independence between the file system and application
                  program, that allows for changes at one level of the data without affecting others. This
                  property of database systems allow to change data without changing the application pro-
                  grams that process the data.
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