P. 58

Unit 4: Database

                  authoritative national records and national bibliography;                        Notes
                  bibliographic records for international exchange;
                  bibliographic records for cooperative systems;
                  records for use in individual libraries;
                  records for abstracting and indexing services;
                  records for subject bibliographies/authors’ bibliographies;
                  records for use in online information retrieval systems (including WWW); and
                  records in book trade.
            Bibliographic record may be viewed as a package of data, the content of which varies according to
            the different needs and purposes for which it is intended. The selection and inclusion of data
            elements for the bibliographic record must be based on user needs. The aggregate of data in a
            bibliographic record are broadly divided into following groups:
                  Descriptive data elements (as defined in the ISBDs);
                  Data elements used in headings for persons, corporate bodies, titles and subjects. They
                  function as filing devices or index entries;
                  Data elements used to organise a file or file of records (such as classification numbers,
                  abstracts, summaries or annotations); and
                  Data specific to the copies of the library collections (such as accession numbers and call
            Bibliographic record should be constructed according to the agreed rules and standards. There are
            many widely used standards for constructing bibliographic records (e.g., AACR2 for national
            bibliographies or library catalogues) but the most striking contribution has been made by IFLA,
            with its programme of ISBDs. ISBD(G) [Genereal International Standard Bibliographic Description]
            is intended to provide the generalised framework for descriptive information required in a range
            of different bibliographic activities. The bibliographic data elements which are required for this
            purpose are set out in eight areas: Title and statement of responsibility -Edition-Material specific
            data-Publication, distribution data-Physical description-Series-Notes-Standard number and terms
            of availability Each of these areas is further divided into discrete elements. The elements are cited
            in given order and separated by the punctuation prescribed. The complete set of ISBD data is
            sufficient to ensure identification of bibliographic item and many cataloguing codes (including
            AARC2) have adopted ISBD(G) as a basis for their own rules for description. The family of ISBDs
            (includes standard for cartographic materials, non-book materials, printed music, antiquarian
            books, monographs, serials and other continuing materials and electronic resources) is utilised for
            the purpose of bibliographical description but the choice and form of access points are based on
            the Paris Principles (the statement of principles adopted at the International Conference on
            Cataloguing Principles held in Paris in 1961) adopted in national cataloguing rules. Bibliographic
            formats (such as MARC family, CCF, UNIMARC, etc.) have also applied ISBDs as base format. But
            cataloguing codes and bibliographic formats cannot represent all the characteristics of different
            digital information resources. As a result various general and domain specific metadata schemas
            (such as Dublin Core, FGDC, ONIX, GILS, etc.) have been developed for description of electronic

              Task Discuss advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.

            Self Assessment

             State whether the following statements are true or false:
               5. Cost of conversion is the advantage program of a database system.
               6. Bibliographic record should be constructed according to the agreed rules and standards.

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