P. 60
Jovita Kaur, Lovely Professional University Unit 5: Types of Database
Unit 5: Types of Database Notes
5.1 Types of Database
5.2 Database Architecture
5.3 Bibliographic Database
5.4 Summary
5.5 Keywords
5.6 Review Questions
5.7 Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Describe the various types of database
Discuss about the database architecture
Explain the bibliographic database.
An organized collection of data for one or more purposes, usually in digital form is called database.
A database is typically organized according to general data models that have been evolved the late
1980s. A way to classify data base involves the type of their contents, for e.g., bibliographic,
document text, statistical, multimedia objects etc. The explanation is carried out by demonstrating
various types of database.
Some of the database types are described in detail.
5.1 Types of Database
The following are examples of various database types. Some of them are not main-stream types,
but most of them have received special attention (e.g., in research) due to end-user requirements.
Some of them exist as specialized DBMS products, and some of the functionality types that some of
them provide have been incorporated in existing general-purpose DBMSs.
Active Database
An active database is a database that includes an event-driven architecture which can respond to
conditions both inside and outside the database. Possible uses include security monitoring, alerting,
statistics gathering and authorization. Most modern relational databases include active database
features in the form of database trigger.
Analytical Database
Analysts may do their work directly against a data warehouse or create a separate analytic database
for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). For example, a company might extract sales records for
analyzing the effectiveness of advertising and other sales promotions at an aggregate level.