Page 5 - DSOC101_Fundamentals of Sociology-Punjabi
P. 5

swmwijk pirbrqn (bdlwv) : Bwv Aqy pRkwr, ivkws Aqy kRWiq, qr`kI Aqy ivkws, swmwijk bdlwv dy
                8a    kwrk
                      (Social Change: Meaning and Type: Evolution and Revolution, Progress and Development-Factors
                      of Social Change) [
                9a    sYDWiqk idk ivnXws (siQiq inrDwrx) : pRkwrXvwd
                      (Theoretical Orientations: Functionalism) [
               1@a    sYDWiqk idk ivnXws (siQiq inrDwrx) : mwsrsvwd
                      (Theoretical Orientations: Marxism) [
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