P. 179

Graphic Tools

                    Notes          Shape Tool: With Shape tool, you can drag a glyph to alter a shape and you can add text to the
                                   inside or outside of the shape.
                                   Smart Drawing Tool: The Smart Drawing tool instantly translates rough drawings into shapes
                                   you’d usually consider drawing with the Rectangle tool or Ellipse tool—or with other tools that
                                   require more effort and skill.

                                   7.9 Review Questions

                                   1.  Explain the steps to be followed to create a perfect drawing from a free hand sketch with
                                       Smart Draw Tool.
                                   2.  Describe the shapes recognized by the Smart drawing tool.

                                   3.  Discuss the steps used to draw a predefined shape.
                                   4.  What are the functions of Smarter Drawing Tool? Discuss.
                                   5.  Illustrate the steps used for working with text.

                                   6.  How can we convert a picture into gray scale?
                                   7.  Elaborate the use of Pick tools in CorelDraw.
                                   8.  Describe how to create a background for a CorelDraw.
                                   9.  Angle option affects the direction of the fill but it’s not available for Radial. Comment.
                                   10.  What are the different types of fill types available in Fountain Fill? Discuss.

                                   Answers: Self Assessment

                                   1.  Shape                             2.   Delay time interval
                                   3.  Pick                              4.   Text
                                   5.  outline                           6.   Pixels
                                   7.  Bitmap                            8.   Custom

                                   9.  landscape                         10.  Layers
                                   11.  objects                          12.  Master
                                   13.  Gradients                        14.  Radial
                                   15.  Square

                                   7.10 Further Readings

                                   Books       CorelDRAW 12: Basic Instructor’s Edition - Axzo Press.
                                               CorelDRAW 12 Unleashed by Foster D. Coburn III.

                                   Online links


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