P. 211
Graphic Tools
Example: <FONT> Your text goes here </FONT>
The font tag takes up the following attributes:
z Color: Sets the color of the text that will appear on the screen. It can be set by giving the
value as #rr0000 for red(in RGB hexadecimal format), or by name.
z Size: Sets the size of the text
z Face: Specifies the font of text
<font size= “3" color=”red” face=”times new roman” >This is some text!</font>
<font size=”3" color=”#rr0000" face=”times new roman” >This is some text!</font>
Output- This is some text!
This is some text!
Using Some Special Characters
There are certain special characters that can be used while creating document.
Caution Special characters must end with a semicolon ;
Some of them are:
z "- quotation mark “
z © – copyright symbol ©
z ® - registered symbol ®
z & -ampersand symbol &
z > - greater than symbol >
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
7. …………………… tag is used to add line breaks in a document.
8. …………………… tags are used to specify how a particular text should be displayed when
the user sees the webpage.
9. …………………… tag is used when we need to specify the colours, size, font of the tex on
the web page.
9.4 Lists
We can add lists in out HTML web page. The most commonly used lists are:
z Ordered List or Numbered List
z Unordered List or Bulleted List