P. 212

Unit 9: Web Designing

          9.4.1 Ordered List <OL></OL>                                                          Notes

          An ordered list is used to display a numbered list of items in the order. It must begin with the
          <OL> tag followed by an <LI> list item tag.

          The <OL> tag takes up the following attributes:n
          z    Compact: render a list in compact form.
          z    Start: used for lists that need to start at values other than 1.
          z    Type: allows marking list items with different types. By default the list Item markers are
               set to numbers 1, 2, 3… so on.
          Other values of Type attribute are:
          Type = A -  Capital letter e.g. A, B, C...........
          Type = a  - Small letter e.g. a, b, c,..........

          Type = I -  Uppercase Roman Numbers e.g. I, II, III..........
          Type = i - Lowercase Roman Numbers e.g. i, ii, iii...........
          Type = 1- e.g. 1, 2, 3............



          <ol type=”I”>





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