P. 322
Unit 13: Dreamweaver – Forms and Media Elements
Questions: Notes
1. Study and analyze the case.
2. Write down the case facts.
3. What do you infer from it?
13.5 Summary
z Web forms are used to collect information and feedback from users.
z The web page contains special boxes called “fields” that collect data.
z HTML forms takes up values from the user and gives the user a response in return after
processing his request.
z To let the browser know where to send the content we add action and method properties
to the <form> tag.
z The enctype attribute specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it
to the server.
z We can create forms using Text Fields, creating Password Fields and inserting Multiline
Text Areas.
z When you place a multiline text field on a form, you can specify how text entered into that
field should wrap. You indicate this using the wrap field in the Properties panel. The
various options available are: Default, Off, Virtual and Physical.
z The <fieldset> tag is used to group related elements in a form. It draws a box around the
related elements.
z When the user has options to choose from in your form, checkboxes or radio buttons come
in handy. Checkboxes allow the user to choose multiple but radio button restrict your
user to only one selection from a number of options.
z We have multiple Form Objects to choose from. For example, Data Objects, Spry data
objects, Text Objects, ASP Objects, etc.
z We can insert various Media Elements in our Dreamweaver document like Flash Buttons
to make them more presentable and interactive.
13.6 Keywords
Action: The address to redirect out page to after the form is submitted.
CGI (Common Gateway Interface): It is computer latin for a program that translates information.
Enctype: It specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it to the server.
Fields: They collect data from the user on a web form.
Spry Data Object: It is a JavaScript object that holds a collection of data that you specify.
13.7 Review Questions
1. Explain with example the method and action properties of the form tag.